Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Psalm 115  "Not to us, O Lord, not to us, But to Thy name give glory because of Thy loving-kindness, because of Thy Truth."  You are my help and my shield.  You have been mindful of me!  You own the heavens, You made the earth. You do as You please! I will trust You, Lord.  I will bless You.  You are the One True God.
An idol, any  other god, is a deception.  Made by man.
A mouth that does not speak.
Eyes that do not see.
Ears that cannot hear.
Noses that cannot smell.
Hands that cannot feel.
Feet that cannot walk.
Throats that are silent.
 "Those who make them will become like them."
But we trust in You Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.  Oh bless Your people, Lord.  We need You! You are our help and our shield and we bless Your holy Name.

II John
John writes to this church, emphasizing Truth and love.   False teachers were trying to persuade the churches that Jesus did not come in the flesh. The teaching was so hideous and false that John told them not even to greet these teachers, nor allow them into their houses.  "Watch yourselves".
Love the truth.  Know the truth.  Walk in the truth. Abide in the truth.  This is how we guard against false doctrines and deceivers.  We MUST be in God's Word daily!  There we will find Truth and fill our hearts and minds with it!
John says " I was very glad to find some of your children walking in truth."   In John 3 he says, "I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth." Gaius, John's friend to whom this letter is addressed, was walking in Truth.   Others bore witness of this and told John of Gaius who, acted faithfully, loved others, treating "brethren" in a worthy manner, ( missionaries); doing what is good.
Diotrephes, another member of the church, was not living in the Truth.  He wouldn't accept John's word.  He loved "to be first among them".  He slandered the apostles. He refused to receive the brethren.  He did what is evil.  John says "the one who does evil has not seen God".
Father, I pray for my children, my grandchildren, and my great-grandchildren to walk in Your Truth. Keep them from false teaching.  Keep them in Your Word.  May they abide in You always!
"Grace, mercy, and peace will be with us, from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love."
Thank You for this truth.

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