Friday, September 6, 2013

Psalm 118  "Open to me the gates of righteousness; I shall enter though them, I shall give thanks to The Lord. "  The gate is Yours Lord.  Jesus, You said, " Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep."( John 10:7)  " I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture." ( v9).   You are the good Shepherd Who lays down His life for the sheep.  You are the way, the Truth, the Life.  Thank you Lord for making a way for us to enter into Your Kingdom, through the Gate of Righteousness.  Through Jesus Christ our Savior.  Bless Your Holy Name!

I John 3
The word "know" is repeated over and over in this chapter.  What do we know?
We know Him. We know God as our Father, because He has loved us with a great love and calls us His children. (v1)
We know that we will be like Him, like Jesus, when we see Him just as He is. (v2)
We know that He came to take away our sins and there is no sin in Him. (v5)
We know that if we are abiding in Him that we will not be abiding in sinfulness. (v6)
We know that the person who practices righteousness is God's child, but the one who practices evil is the devil's. (v7-10) The difference is obvious.
We know that love is the foremost trait of righteousness. The ultimate commandment.  The summation of all that God requires of His children. (v11)
We know that we are no longer dead, but alive.  Love is the evidence of Life. (v14-16)
We know that we walk in truth when we practice love with deeds and truth, not just with words. (v18)
We know that God knows all things, even the things in our hearts. (v19-20)
We know that we can ask and receive from Him because "we keep his commandments and do the things that are pleasing in His sight." v22
We know that He commands us to believe in the name of Jesus and love one another. (v23)
We know that we abide in Him "by the Spirit whom He has given us." v24
When we belong to the family of God, when we are His children, then we will have His traits.  Let Jesus be seen in me Father.  Abide in me and I in You. Amen

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