Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Psalm 106 Father, You are good.  Your loving kindness has no limit. You are worthy of all praise and thanksgiving.  All glory is Yours.  We are all like Israel, sinful and rebellious.  Yet You show compassion on us. You save us.  Thank You Father.
When we have sinned, when we have "behaved wickedly";  when we do not "remember Thine abundant kindnesses" (v6-7) - You save us anyway, for the sake of Your Name, to make Your power known.  You lead us through the sea, You deliver us from our enemy, You show us Your great works.
When we forget what You have done for us, when we crave that which is not You, when we tempt You, even when we set up idols in our hearts and forget You; when we grumble and refuse to listen; when we provoke You to anger with our unrighteousness; You still deliver us when we cry to You.
You look at us in our misery and You hear our cries.  Blessed is Your Name.
The horrors of Israel's sins included sacrificing their babies to idols, immorality ( harlotry), and willful rebellion.  Yet, You saved them.  Whatever I have done, all my sins and failures, all I have failed to do for You;   I cry out to You and You save me and forgive me . Thank You Father, for You are good and merciful and holy.  "Blessed be The Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting even to everlasting and let all the people say Amen! Praise The Lord!"

Revelation 3:7-13 Letter to Philadelphia
This group of believers was faithful.  They kept the Word, they did the "deeds".  They never denied His Name.  Therefore, they would be preserved.  They would be victorious. They would become a part of God's Holy Temple.  They would have  God's Name, the new Jerusalem's Name, and Jesus' Name written on them, because they will "overcome".  Jesus says to them, " I am coming quickly; hold fast what you have, in order that no one take your crown."
Here is the key that "opens and no one will shut, and who shuts and no one opens,"  the key of David which is in Jesus' Hand.  Our key to being faithful:
Keep the Word. His enduring, cheerful, patient, hopeful, constant Word.
Do the deeds -  the good works, the labor of love to The Lord.
Never deny His Name.  Overcome. Stay faithful to Him.
Father, this is Your will for us, is it not?  Let Your will be done in us, on earth, as it is in Heaven.  Completely, perfectly, constantly, with all glory, honor, and power to You. The Key is in Your hands, Lord Jesus, open and close according to Your perfect will. In Your Name.  Amen

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