Friday, September 20, 2013

Psalm 108  Tonight starts a Journey into Prayer conference at my church.  A weekend of focus on prayer.  But God has already begun working, drawing me into a time of intercession for others.  Two specific individuals who need the power of God's presence through this hour.  I have prayed and continue to pray, seeking God's direction in prayer.  And He brings me here to this psalm.  " My heart is steadfast O God. I will sing, I will sing praises even with my soul"!
His loving kindness is "great above the heavens"! His glory is "above all the earth".  His Truth "reaches to the skies".
This is our God Who delivers His beloved, Who saves with His right hand, and Who answers prayer.
Thank You Holy God! You are our deliverer. You are our Helper.  You are Infinite.  Nothing is too hard for You.  No matter what others do, You will do good for Your children.  I praise You. I exalt Your Name.  Thank You for being gracious and merciful.  Thank You that You are Light and in You there is no darkness at all. Bless Your children today, in this hour of need. Let Your Glory be made manifest, that You be worshiped above all. Amen.

Revelation 2:18-29 Letter to Thyatira.  This church is doing well in deeds, love, faith, service, and perseverance.  But, there is one major problem, a tolerated teacher of impurity.   The letters have addressed love, life, truth, and now purity.  Jesus wants us to know, "I am He who searches the minds and hearts; and I will give to each one of you according to your deeds."  Those who were acting immorally would experience sickness, tribulation, and loss.  But those who hold fast to Jesus and overcome, keeping His deeds, would be given authority and "the morning star".
Jesus calls the wayward to repentance. So thankful that He does not leave us in the darkness but shines forth His light.  "And the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it." The darkness cannot stop the Light. Jesus, the true Light of the World, You are the bright and morning star!  You are worthy of all our praise.  Amen.

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