Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Psalm 110  The LORD (Jehovah) says to The Lord ( Adonai), "Sit at My right hand".  The place of privilege  and honor.  Jehovah will make His enemies a footstool.  Jehovah will "stretch forth His strong scepter".  Jesus will rule in the midst of the enemies, He rules from Zion.  His people will serve Him freely, worshiping Him in His majestic splendor.  Jesus is the eternal Priest.  He is the eternal King.  He will rightly judge.  He will mete out justice. This is our Savior. Worship Him!  Bow before Him and give Him the honor due Him. He is worthy of all our praise and thanksgiving, of our fear and allegiance. Bless The Lord, all my soul and all that is within me, bless His holy Name.

Revelation 2:8-11 The letter to the church in Smyrna.  These people are going through tribulation.  They are poor.  They have been persecuted by Satan.  They are about to suffer even more.  They will be thrown into prison. They will be tested. They will die.   But The Lord wants them to not be afraid!
"Be faithful until death and I will give you the crown of life." (v10)  "He who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death".   The second death is much worse than the first!  We will all die, unless the Savior returns, but we who die in faith will have eternal life.  "Be faithful".  No matter what trial or tribulation comes your way.  The believers in Smyrna faced a lot more than we have ever had to face here in America.  The Christians in many countries are facing this kind of persecution right now.
Oh may I be faithful ( absolutely relying on , trusting in, and being trustworthy of The Lord) until death, Lord Jesus!  

The first letter reminds us know the truth about love.  This one reminds us to know the truth about life and death.

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