Monday, September 23, 2013

Psalm 107 "Oh give thanks to The Lord, for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting. Let the redeemed of The Lord say so. "  The psalmist gives 4 examples of man's need and God's provision:
1.  Verses 4-9  These were those who were lost.   They were wandering, they were hungry, they were thirsty.  They were confused and fainting.  They were in a desert and there was no hope.  But "then they cried out to The Lord".  He heard them and delivered them.  The ones who had wandered in circles and couldn't find a city, were led "by a straight way, to go to an inhabited city."
So, "let them give thanks to The Lord for His lovingkindness."  He satisfies the thirsty soul and feeds the hungry soul with "what is good".

2. Verses 10-16 These are those who are in prisons of darkness. Surrounded by death,  misery, and despair.   They put themselves there by their rebellion against the Word of God.  They refused to listen to the "counsel of the Most High".  He uses this to humble their hearts.  And they "cried out to The Lord." He saved them, brought them out, broke the bonds, set them free.
So "Let them give thanks to The Lord for His lovingkindness." He does wonders, He shatters gates of bronze and cuts the bars of iron.

3. Verses 17 - 22 These are the foolish.  They are rebellious.  They just want to live in their sin. Their afflictions come because of the sins they commit. They are drawing "near to the gates of death".  But then, "they cried out to The Lord in their trouble".  And He rescues them. "He sent His Word and healed them. And delivered them from their destruction."
So, "Let them give thanks to The Lord for His lovingkindness." Let them offer sacrifices of thanksgiving, let them sing of His wonderful works.

4. Verses 23-32  These are the ones caught up in a storm.  They are about their business, which happens to be a shipping business, (but don't all businesses have ups and downs? ) They are reeling. They are "melting".  They "were at their wits' end."  But , "they cried to The Lord in their trouble."
And He brings them out.  He calms the storm. He hushes the waves. He gives them quiet. He guides them to safety.
So "Let them give thanks to The Lord for His lovingkindness"  Let Him be extolled, praised, exalted in the congregation and among the elders.
 Whether we are lost, imprisoned, rebellious, or in the throes of a storm, God is our help.  When we cry out to Him, He hears us.  He delivers us.  This is the "wonder" of our God!  He does wonderful works of deliverance.
He can change a river into a desert. Or a desert into a river.
He leads the wicked into the desert lands, so they will know their thirst, so they will cry out to Him.
But He takes the humble, the "diminished and bowed down".  Those in misery and sorrow, who turn to Him, and He lifts them up, He gives them water and food.  He leads them in paths of righteousness.  He makes them a family.  His family.
"Who is wise?  Let him give heed to these things; And consider the lovingkindnesses of The Lord."
Father in Heaven,  I know people who are lost.  Loved ones who are wandering in the wilderness, who have no hope. Their lives are empty and they can't find their way to You.   O Holy God, stir their hearts so that they will cry out to You and find You.  So that You can lead them out of the desert and into Your Kingdom , the city not build by human hands.
Lord, I know people who are imprisoned.  They put themselves there because they don't want to listen to Your Word.  They are in prisons of drug addiction, they are prisoners of bitterness or selfishness. But, Lord will You humble them so that they will cry out to You?  That You might free them once and for all times!
Lord, I know people who are foolishly rebellious.  They like their sins and refuse to acknowledge them.  They make excuses to themselves and to others.  But they don't fool You.  O Lord , May they cry out to You before it is too late!  So that You can send Your Word, so that You can heal them and deliver them.  Please Lord.
Father, I know some who are in the midst of a storm. Not of their own doing, but one that You have sent.  They are frightened.  They are reeling.  Oh Father, as they cry out to You, will You calm the storm?  Will You quiet the wind and waves? Will You guide them to a safe haven?
Father , we will give thanks to You for Your lovingkindnesses! For Your wonders to the sons of men.
Thank you! Bless Your Holy Name. Amen

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