Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Psalm 111 The works of The Lord are: great, splendid, majestic, wonder-filled, gracious, compassionate, powerful, truth, justice, upright, covenanted, redemptive, holy, awesome, and enduring.  Wisdom and understanding are given to us based on our reverential fear of and obedience to God.  How can we not give thanks to Him and praise Him!!!  He has given His people a promise, a covenant forever, that He will not forget, for He has "ordained his covenant forever".
Father, I thank You and praise You for sending redemption to me.  Redeeming me from death and giving me life.  Redeeming me from slavery and setting me free.  Redeeming me from darkness and bringing me into Light. Redeeming me from sin and making me pure and holy.  You purchased my pardon.  You paid the price. Great are You Lord and highly to be praised!
"Mercy there was great, and grace was free; Pardon there was multiplied to me; There my burdened soul found liberty - at Calvary."  Thank You Lord!

Revelation 2
The letters to the churches in Asia begin here.  The first is given to Ephesus.  They are commended for their toil and perseverance.   They are careful to expose false teaching.  They hate evil doers. But, they are reprimanded for losing their "first love".  They had "fallen". The deeds they had once done they no longer did.  This failure was so serious that it could lead to being extinguished as a church.  Repentance and renewal were needed. (v1-7).
How does this apply to us?   Do we serve God out of any other motives than that of love? Yes, doctrine is important, yes, perseverance in doing good deeds is needed.  But without love,  as
 I Corinthians tells us, "I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal". "I am nothing".  And, "it profits me nothing." (v1-3).   Love is the vital principle, the underlying motive, the source of all ministry. And as John wrote in his epistles, if you don't love, then you don't know God. For God is love.
Forgive us for failing to love, Lord.  Fill us once again with Your Spirit, strengthen us with all power according to Your glorious might... that we will love You with all our heart and soul and might, and that we will love our neighbor as ourselves.  Amen.

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