Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Psalm 119:161-176  To stand in awe of Your Words, to rejoice, love, hope, keep, and sing Your Words,  this is my heart's desire.  Your Word - law, ordinances, commandments, testimonies,precepts, statutes;  these are my help, my treasure, my source of peace.   ".. I have chosen Thy precepts" (v173).  To guide my feet, to fill my thoughts, to bring You praise.
Thank You for this psalm of praise, this insight into the great worth of Thy Word.  Teach me Your Word and increase my understanding even more. Oh Restorer, keep my feet on Your path.  Amen.

I John 1
The Word of Life "was manifested".  Jesus came!  He was heard, seen, and touched by human hands.  He has been proclaimed by those who walked beside the Eternal Son, sent from the Father in Heaven.
"And this is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you,"  the message that God Himself desires for us to know, the message so important that He chose to manifest Himself on earth in a human body that could be heard and seen and touched...and beaten, and killed.  This is the message:
                            " GOD  is Light and in Him there is no darkness at all. "(v5)
We cannot fellowship with Light while walking in darkness.  We can't participate in light while we stay in the dark. We can't say we are a partner, an intimate associate with Light, with luminousness, with fire, with rays of Light; when we are black as night. That is not Truth and we lie if we say we do. (v6)
If we say we have no sin.  That is a lie. We are deceiving ourselves and we are calling God a liar.  For He has said that we are all sinners. ( v8,10)
But.... "if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin." v7  How? " If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
We cannot walk in the Light until we get rid of the darkness.
We cannot get rid of the darkness until we acknowledge it and confess it.
To walk in the Light is to stop lying to ourselves about the darkness of sin in our lives. To confess that sin to Him Who is faithful and just, Who will cleanse us from all unrighteousness, by the Blood of Jesus.
Oh What a Wonderful Savior! Taking us out of the darkest night into the Light of His Glory!
Shine on me! Cleanse and remove all darkness, I do not want any left in my heart. Just the Light of Christ in me, my hope of glory! Amen.

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