Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Father, You are Holy.  Let Your Name be praised and blessed and honored today.. in me, in my family, in my church, in my community.  May Your Name be set apart, Your reputation be exalted.   Psalm 107  reminds us that You are good.  That Your merciful kindness and love never end. That You redeem us from the adversary.  You have bought us back from satan, from sin, from death, from fear, because You are good.  Thank You Lord. Father, let Your kingdom come fully to those lost and hopeless, to those chained up in the darkness of rebellion, to those foolishly loving their sinful lives, and to those experiencing stormy days.  Your kingdom come.  Where righteousness is loved and evil flees away.  Where joy replaces mourning and sorrow.  Where peace surrounds us and scatters the anxiety, fear, and confusion.  Jesus, You are sitting at the right Hand of the Father, and all authority has been given to You.  So I ask these things in Your Holy Name. Amen.

Revelation 3: 1-6 The letter to Sardis.
This church had a good reputation, but they were not living up to it. In fact, Jesus called them "dead".
They weren't following through with their "deeds", their work was incomplete.  Jesus calls them to wake up! He gives them 3 steps to take to get back on track:
1. Remember.   Remember what they received and heard.  Remember the good news. Remember the Truth of Who Jesus is. Who they are in Him.
2. Keep it.  Keep the Words of God by doing what He has commanded.  Believe. Love. Serve. Obey.
3. Repent.  Think differently, change your mind and follow The Lord. Stop neglecting your life in Christ. Stop thinking that the world is "life".  Start living the real "life".  In Christ alone.

Failure to do these three things will have terrible results.  "I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come upon you."   You will miss His coming. You will be like the virgins outside the wedding who ran out of oil and missed the bridegrooms coming. ( Matthew 25:1-13).  They weren't ready for His return. Jesus says, "Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming." Read Matthew 24:42-44. It is vital that we are faithful servants, prepared for His coming. "Blessed is the slave whom the master finds so doing when he comes" (24:46)
These are those who are "not soiled" and considered worthy.  They are ready.  They will walk with Jesus, clothed in white garments, and He will confess their names before the Father.
Overcoming is not a passive activity.  It is a battle, it is work.  It is not something we can do by our own strength, but we need His Word. We need to remember it and do it. Every day!
Father, let Your will be done in my life according to Your Word.  May I remember all You have given and may I do all You command. Not by might or by power, but by Your Spirit, Lord.  May Your will be done in my loved ones lives also.  Draw them to Yourself.  Wake them up! So that they may complete the work You have for them, so that Your Name will be given the glory, honor, and praise that You are worthy of.  Amen.

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