Monday, September 16, 2013

Psalm 112  "How blessed is the man who fears The Lord."   The man who has a deep, real, abiding relationship with the Creator of Heaven and earth, who stands in sincere awe and reverence of Him, who bows before Him and submits himself to the King's will.... this man is blessed.   This man "delights" to obey the Lord's commandments.  He is the Father's obedient son. He is happy and content to do as the Father has commanded.  Matthew Henry says he is " well pleased with them and with the equity and goodness of them; they are written in his heart; it is his choice to be under them..." This man will be blessed and the blessings are wonderful:
1."His descendants will be mighty on earth" (v2)  Who does not want to see his children and grandchildren do well?  Physically, spiritually, economically, etc.  "The generation of the upright will be blessed".  The key to blessing for our descendants begins with us.  We must be "upright".  Matthew Henry defines this as someone who is "really as good as they seem to be, and deal faithfully both with God and man."  They are sincere and honest.  They are kind and generous.  They are gracious and compassionate. They are righteous and just. They are "steadfast, trusting The Lord"
2."Light arises is the darkness for the upright".   Even in times of trouble and affliction, this man will find that God gives light.
3. "He will maintain his cause in judgement".   God will give him wisdom and discretion in the circumstances of life. God will guide his words, Matthew Henry says.  Helping him govern his own tongue.
4. "He will never be shaken".  Though satan will try to move him, he has a firm foundation!
5. "The righteous will be remembered forever" - His good reputation, his good name, will endure.
6. "He will not fear evil tidings"  Fear will not destroy his trust in The Lord.  There is comfort and help in God, no matter how bad the news seems to be, nor how strong the enemy is!  Henry says, "Trusting in The Lord is the best and surest way of fixing and establishing the heart. By faith we must cast anchor in the promise, in the word of God."
7. "His righteousness endures forever;"  This promise of blessing is for all of eternity.  It is by grace, a gift of the Father for the obedient son.

Father,  I praise You. What wonderful blessings!  What precious promises!  I will walk with You and follow Jesus.  I will obey Your Word and live in awe of Your greatness and majesty.  May these blessing be for me, Lord.  May I always be upright and faithful in Your sight. Amen.

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