Thursday, September 5, 2013

Psalm 118  Lord, You are good, Your lovingkindness is everlasting.  Your beautiful, merciful, kindness is perpetual. Never ending. Eternal.  I give You thanks. I extol You. I declare that You alone are worthy of praise.  For when I call upon You in my distress, You answer me. ( v5). Man can do nothing to me, for You are my help. (v6-7).  You are a better refuge, a place to find protection, a source of hope, One I can confide in,  than any man, any prince, or any nation. (v8-12).  You are my strength.  You are my song.  You are my salvation.  You are valiant in all You do. You spare me from death that I might tell of Your works.  You discipline me that I might walk through the gates of righteousness. ( v14-19).  Jesus, the "stone which the builders rejected has become the chief corner stone."  You did that.  You have given us light. Thank You.  You are good and Your lovingkindness is everlasting.(20-29).  You are the King of Glory! Strong and mighty. Holy and kind.  I lift my eyes to You Lord, come in! "This is the day that The Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it." (v24).   I rejoice in You. Amen.

I John 2     John started his letter with the vital message of Who God is:  He is Light "and in Him there is no darkness at all".  We have to deal with our darkness, confessing our sins, and receive the cleansing provided through the blood of Jesus, before we can have fellowship with Him.
But, John has more to say about why he is writing.  He is writing :
So that we may not sin. (v1).
That we may know the new commandment, which isn't really new. ( v 7-8)
That we may know that our sins are forgiven us for His name's sake. (v 12)
Because we " know Him, who has been from the beginning." ( v 13)
Because we have "overcome the evil one" (v13)
Because we know Him and because we are strong and the Word of God is in us. (v14)
"I have not written to you because you do not know the truth, but because you do know it and because no lie is of the truth." v21
"These things I have written to you concerning those who are trying to deceive you." v26
John wants us all to know the Truth.  And he wants us know that we know God.
We can do that because we have Christ Jesus our Advocate.  Because He is the propitiation for our sins. It has to be in Him, through Him, and by Him.
Do I keep His commandments? Then, that is evidence that I know Him.  If I don't, then I am a liar.
Do I keep His Word? Then the love of God will be seen in me.  If it is not seen, then I am still in darkness.
Do I love my brother or do I hate him?   If I love him, then I am walking in light, if I hate him, then I am still in darkness. ( This is not about emotion, this is about action - to hate is to detest, to persecute, to be hateful and loveless.  To love is to act with affection and benevolence, to show grace and mercy)
Do I love this world or the things of this world? Do I lust after things that satisfy my body? Things that please my eyes?  Things that make me proud and boastful? Things that will pass away?
Or do I love to do the will of God? Do I stay in the Truth?
Do I deny Jesus or confess Him?
Do I abide in Him?  Am I ready for His appearing, waiting in confidence?
Am I practicing righteousness?
These are the questions on this test John gives us.  The answers are deeply personal and can only be given after searching our own hearts and allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal the Truth to us.
Holy Spirit, You are the "anointing from the Holy One,".  You abide in me.  You teach me about all things.  You teach me to abide in Him.  ( v20,27).   I want to know that I know God.  Do not let me be deceived.  Fill me with Your Truth.  In Jesus' Name I ask this. Amen

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