Friday, August 30, 2013

Psalm 119:137-144  Almighty God, You are righteous.  Your Words are righteous.  They are right, just, and true.   You have given us Your Word that we might have life.  Your Word does not change with the seasons, nor with the centuries.  You have given us the Truth out of Your faithfulness and righteousness.  As the psalmist prayed, I do also, "give me understanding that I may live."  May I delight in and love Your pure Word, may I "not forget Thy precepts".   I lift my eyes to You Lord, the maker of heaven and earth, for it is from You that my help comes. Be my keeper, be my shade, be my fortress today. Through the grace of The Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

II Peter 1 :5-15 "Now for this very reason..."  Because of the faith we have received by God's righteousness, because of the multiplied grace and peace He has granted us in knowing Him, because of the precious and magnificent promises, and His divine power, because of all God has done through The Lord Jesus, we have an "entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ".
The life of one who lives according to this Word will be marked by certain qualities, Peter tells us.  Qualities that "render you neither useless nor unfruitful in the true knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ".  Qualities that are lacking in those who are "blind or shortsighted, having forgotten his purification from his former sins."  Peter is diligent to remind us of these essential qualities:
1. The quality of "diligence" in "your faith".  Personal attention and care. Carefully, with effort.  Active faith.
2. Moral excellence-  virtue and honor,
3. knowledge -  what we are conscious of,  what our conscience is guided by;
4. self-control - self restraint
5. perseverance - cheerful, hopeful patience
6. godliness - holiness, piety
7. brotherly kindness - affection for other believers
8. love - agape love - benevolent, giving, sacrificial love.
We are to grow and increase in these qualities (v8).  We are to practice these qualities ( v10).  We are to remember and pay close attention to these qualities that are "abundantly supplied" to us by Jesus, Himself.
Peter tells us to "be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and choosing you; for as long as you practice these things you will never stumble."  We examine our own lives , not others. We should be growing in these areas. Established in these truths.
My faith looks up to Thee,  Thou Lamb of Calvary, Saviour divine,
Now hear me while I pray,
Take all my guilt away;
Oh, let me from this day
Be wholly Thine.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Psalm 119:129-136   Almighty God,  Heavenly Father,  Your Words are wonderful.  I will obey them.  It is Your Word that gives light.  I will open it, read it, heed it.  Your Word gives understanding to even the simplest person,  even to a child,  even to me.  I open my heart to take it in.  I long for it.  Be gracious to me, keep me in Your will, deliver me from sin, don't let anything outside of Your perfect plan have authority over me. Shine on me, teach me, redeem me.  Oh the sadness of a lost and sinful world.  Bring Your glorious Light! Turn hearts towards the Light of Your Son, Jesus.

II Peter 1:2-4
These three verses are loaded with truth and I want to understand all that is being said.
V2 "Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord,"
Peter's blessing is given to those who have the "same kind" of faith as his - true faith, not a professed faith, but a living, active faith. The kind of  faith that sells all it has to buy the field and own the treasure. A kingdom faith.  Grace and peace are multiplied IN knowing God and His Son, Jesus.  Jesus said "And this is eternal life, that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent." (John 17:3) Multiplied grace - graciousness, favor, joy,  divine liberality.
Multiplied peace- prosperity, rest, quietness, one(ness).  In the knowledge ( recognition, discernment, acknowledgement) of God and of Jesus Christ the Son, we receive eternal LIFE - true grace and true peace. MULTIPLIED!!
Peter goes on to explain : " seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence."(v3)   Jesus, full of glory and excellence, calls us to know Him.  It is in that relationship of oneness and graciousness, that He grants us everything we need for "life" and "godliness" .
All we need for a lifetime. All we need to live devout, godly, worshipful lives. All the grace and peace that He alone multiplies to us.
"For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises in order that by them you might become partakers of the divine nature having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust. " v4.  What promises enable us to take part in His divine nature?  The promise of salvation to all who believe.  The promise of forgiveness of sin.  The promise of eternal life in Christ Jesus.  The promise of a Comforter, the Holy Spirit.  The promise that He will come again.  The promise of a new heaven and a new earth where we will live with Him in perfect grace and peace.  The promise that  He "Himself" will "perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you" ( I Peter5:10)

Monday, August 26, 2013

Psalm 119:121-128   We do the best we can, Lord.  We try to do "justice and righteousness".  We turn our eyes to You, in faith, with hope of salvation.  We look into Your "righteous Word".  But, Lord, we need You! Deal with me "according to Thy lovingkindness".  Teach me. Make me understand. Act on my behalf, so that I might walk with You in Truth.  That I might also "hate every false way".   Your Word is better than the finest gold.  Open my eyes to know it.  Fill my heart with love for Your Word.   God of all Grace, You have called me to Your eternal glory in Christ.  Perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish me. ( I Peter 5:10) According to Your precious Word and through The Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

II Peter 1
Peter writes to those who have received faith "of the same kind as ours, by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ".  Faith of the same value or origin as Peter's faith.  Not false faith, pretend faith, or fruitless faith. ( Matthew Henry's commentary)  " True saving faith is a precious grace, and that not only as it is very uncommon, very scarce, even in the visible church, a very small number of true believers among a great multitude of visible professors." Henry goes on to describe TRUE FAITH.
It is a "truly divine spiritual life"
It  "procures all the necessary supports and comforts of this excellent life"
It goes to Christ for all things "buys the wine and milk which are proper nourishment of the new creature" ( Isaiah 55:1)
It "brings home the tried gold, the heavenly treasure that enriches"
It "takes and puts on the white robes that clothe and adorn"
"The just lives by faith".   They LIVE -  eat, drink, dress, breathe, work, - by faith.
Peter wants us to have the "same kind" of faith that God gave him, that God gives us and  wants us to  receive.
Faith that unites the weak and the strong to Christ.  Faith that purifies our heart.  Faith that justifies us in the sight of God.  Faith that "takes hold of the same precious Saviour, and applies the same precious promises".  Faith that is a gift from God. Faith that comes by the Spirit, through the righteousness of Christ. Faith that is precious because it is based on the perfect obedience of Christ Who died for us and Who rose from the dead to sit at the right Hand of the Father.

Father, may we not be mere professors of faith but True believers, with true saving faith. Faith that is real and fruitful. Faith the permeates every aspect of our lives. Every day.  Faith that takes hold of Jesus.  Faith that really rests on all of Your precious promises.  Oh Lord, we do not want to be pretenders, ever. Come and fill us with "Grace and peace" multiplied to us "in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord." (v2)

Friday, August 23, 2013

Psalm 119:113-120  Lord, You are my hiding place.  You are my shield.  Thank You for the protection and security of Your Words.  You sustain me.  You hold me up.  You keep me safe when I am in the center of Your Will.   Keep me there Lord.  In the path of Life, in You.
The evildoers depart from You.  The deceitful wander away from Your Word.  Those who reject Your Word will be removed "like dross".   We do well to fear Your judgements.  To tremble "in our flesh".  Oh sustain us, uphold us. Hide us in the cleft of the Rock.  Amen.

I Peter 5  Instructions for the leaders of the church.  Shepherd the flock. Be examples to the flock.
Be humble.  Be sober.  Resist the devil.  Cast all your anxiety on the One Who cares for you.
In light of what Christ has suffered. In anticipation of His appearing.  And in dependence on His loving care.... live this way.
A precious promise " .. the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you. " v10b
"To Him be dominion forever and ever. Amen" v11

It is ALL in His Hands! I am in His Hands.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Psalm 119:105-112  "Thy Word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path."  Every step I take, every way I choose. Your Word leads me Lord.  When I am afflicted.  When I am thankful.  When I am in danger, or when I am just living the life You put before me.  I look to You, Light of the World.
Where You shine, there I want to walk.  I commit myself to keep, remember, and perform what You have taught me.  Teach me today.  Shine Your light even now, that I might walk with You. Amen.

I Peter 4 To live with "purpose".  To live in light of the salvation purchased by Christ on the cross, means to live for God's will and not for man's lusts.  That means putting aside "sensuality, lusts, drunkenness, carousals, drinking parties, and abominable idolatries." v3.  It is living "in the spirit" and not "in the flesh".
Spiritual living means:
Having "sound judgement and sober spirits for the purpose of prayer" v7
Being "fervent in your love for one another".  v8
Being "hospitable to one another without complaint" v9
Using the gift of grace to speak, serve, and glorify God fully.  v10-11
Not being surprised when you are tested, but rejoicing that you can share "the sufferings of Christ" v12-13
When you are reviled or suffer for being a Christian, you know that you are blessed. v14, 16

The Day of Christ's return is coming. Peter urges us to live according to the Spirit, to trust our "souls to a faithful Creator" by doing what is right.  Living "in the flesh" is death.  But the gospel has "for this purpose been preached even to those who are dead, that though they are judged in the flesh as men, they may live in the spirit according to the will of God." v 6.

Father, may I live with Your purposes in my mind and heart today. May I live according to the Spirit and not  the flesh.  May I love and serve and give to You all I have and all I am.  Even to rejoice in suffering, knowing that it glorifies You. Thank You for the Light that You have given. Amen.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Psalm 119: 97-104  The psalmist expresses his love for the Word.  It is his constant meditation.  He reflects on the benefits of knowing and doing what God has revealed in His Word.
v98  It makes him "wiser than my enemies"
v99 It gives "more insight than all my teachers"
v100 It gives him "more understanding than the aged"
v101 It has kept him "from every evil way"
Who doesn't want to have more wisdom, insight, and understanding?  Who doesn't want to avoid evil and false ways?
Yes, the Word of God is "sweet"!  "Sweeter than honey" the psalmist declares.  What God has revealed in His Word is better than the best thing he can think of!   Love it and live it.  Constantly meditate and reflect on it. Keep filling up your mind with what God has said. Do it and you will be able to declare with the psalmist, " I have restrained my feet from every evil way."
Father in heaven, this is my prayer.  I love Your Word. It is sweeter than anything in this world.
Thank you.

I Peter 3 The qualities of a life given over to Christ wholly are explained here by Peter's letter. It is not a life we usually choose of our own volition. Nor is it one we can live consistently by our own will power.  It is a life of humble submission, respect, gentleness, harmony, sympathy, love and kindness.  It is returning evil with blessing, it is suffering for doing what is right and not complaining.  It is keeping our tongues under control, seeking peace, and obeying God's Word, no matter what.
It is a wife winning over an unbelieving husband without a word, submitting, respecting, loving him with a quiet gentleness.
It is a husband caring for and honoring his wife with understanding and respect.
It is every believer putting Christ first, living in hope, gently and reverently sharing the Truth with any who ask.  It is keeping a good conscience, doing right, and enduring the hard times with a right attitude.
Oh no, it is not something we can do, but it is what Christ can do in us when we "sanctify" Him as "Lord in your hearts". (v15).  Sanctify - make holy, set apart, consecrate, venerate.
He died for our sins, "the just for the unjust".
He brought us to God.
He rescued us from disobedience and washed us from guilt and sin.
He sits at the right hand of the Father and all "angels and authorities and powers" have been made subject to Him.
He is indeed, Lord of All. King. Sovereign. Ruler. God.  Christ Jesus, our Savior, our Shepherd, is Great and Wonderful, worthy of our praise and worship.
Open our eyes Lord, that we will really see You. In the Glory of  Your Majesty and Splendor.  That we will adore You and praise You with our whole hearts.  Oh we see so dimly now!  Fill our hearts Lord Jesus! I set You apart in my heart as Lord . Reign and rule in me forever. Amen.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Psalm 119: 89-96  Each section of this psalm corresponds to a letter of the Hebrew alphabet.  Each has 8 verses and each verse starts with that letter.  This section is Lamedh.  It celebrates the surety of the Word of God.  The Word is "forever".  It is "settled in Heaven".  Our God, who is faithful to every generation, who established the earth, is the One Who has established His Word.  The psalmist uses 10 different synonyms to talk of the Word of God - law, word, saying, commandment, statute, judgement, precept, testimony, way, and path. ( Bible Knowledge Commentary). Each word denotes something specific about God's Word:
Law - It gives us direction and instruction.
Word - It is God's revelation.
Saying - It is God's promises.
Commandment - It comes with God's authority.
Statute - It has been written and enacted - legislated.
Judgement - It is binding and judgement is based on it.
Precept - It is an injunction. A binding order to do or not do a specific action.
Testimony - It is a declaration of God's will.
Way/path - It is the pattern of life that God lays out for us.
The psalmist has found the Word of God to be his delight and his source of life.  By His Word God has revived (kept alive) him.
Like the psalmist, we must know the Word so that we can walk with God. If we do not know what God says, then we cannot know God at all. He has established it, He has revealed it, He has declared it, and we are to know it and obey it.
Father, teach me Your ways, fill me with "the knowledge of (Your) will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding",  that I also "may walk in a manner worthy of The Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God" ( Col. 1:9-10)

I Peter 2 Jesus is the "choice stone, a precious cornerstone"( v6)  and  the supreme example (v21) for those who believe.  But for unbelievers, the unpersuadeable, He is a stumbling block.  These are "disobedient to the word".  They reject Jesus and refuse the Word of God.
Peter's instructions are for us who believe in Christ the "living stone, rejected by men, but choice and precious in the sight of God." v4   We are "living stones" being built into a spiritual  house. We are royal priests, offering up spiritual sacrifices.  We are God's people and possession, proclaiming His "excellencies".  He called us out of darkness and into light. He chose us to be His own people.  He had mercy on us when we needed it most.  This is who we are as believers in Christ Jesus.  Therefore we are called to act in a "manner worthy of The Lord"
v12 - We are to keep our behavior excellent, doing good deeds that bring glory to God.
v13-14 - We are to submit to authority, to government.
v15 We are to do what is right.
v16 We are to act as free men, but not use our freedom to do evil, only to serve God.
v17 We are to honor others, love one another, fear God, and honor the king.
v18 We are to be submissive to masters, respectful even to the unreasonable ones.
v19-20  We are to patiently endure suffering, especially when it is for doing what is right.
v21 We are to follow Christ's example, entrusting ourselves into God's Hands, knowing He judges righteously.
He is our "Shepherd and Guardian ".  "He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness for by His wounds you were healed". v24-25.
Precious Cornerstone, Jesus, Lord of lords and King of kings,  thank You for calling me, choosing me, and making me a living stone, a royal priest, a child of God.  You are my Shepherd and I will follow You. Keep me in Your will. I entrust myself into Your care. Amen.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Psalm 119:81-88   There are times in our lives when, like the psalmist, we become desperate for the Lord's help.   He describes his situation in these terms:
His soul languishes -  he is done, finished, consumed, destroyed
His eyes fail - ( same word as languish) - he longs for the Word, but can't hear, see, or know it.
His body is "like a wineskin in the smoke" - dark, thick, hard, shriveled,
The arrogant persecute him and dig pits for him.
They have told lies about him.
They have "almost destroyed" him.
He is at the end of his rope, and at the end of himself.  But he has not lost all hope.  Even in the midst of a darkness that is overwhelming, he looks to The Lord.
" I wait for Thy Word".
"I do not forget Thy statutes".
"All Thy commandments are faithful."
" I did not forsake Thy precepts."
In the Law of God, there is hope and comfort.  There is a message of God's lovingkindness that revives and restores the one who looks to Him.  The Word takes our eyes off of the situation and turns them to the One Who shows us love and mercy.  Even when we are desperate and can't see Him, even when we are at the end of our rope, we can find hope in the Word of God.
It is in His strength that we are revived and able to walk in His ways.  We cannot do it ourselves.
Sometimes He takes us to the end of our ropes so that we learn to hold on to Him alone.
I have been there.  And I am so thankful that He never let me go!  Praise God for His lovingkindness.

I Peter 2:1-3 Peter instructs the reader to "long for the pure milk of the Word".  Like the psalmist, he encourages the believer to look to the "kindness of The Lord". In the Word we will find nutrition, as it were, to "grow in respect to salvation".   The unfailing, abiding, imperishable Word of God is the way of growing up into all that Christ has provided through His death on the cross.  If we have "tasted" His kindness, then we will want to continue to grow up spiritually.
But, there is also a "putting aside" that we have to do.  In order to drink the "pure milk" we need to stop drinking the bad stuff.  "... malice, all guile, and  hypocrisy, and envy and all slander"
Malice - badness, depravity, trouble, evil, naughtiness, wickedness.   Put it aside.
All guile - trickery, deceit, craftiness.  Stop it.
Hypocrisy - falseness, pretending.  Be real.
Envy -ill will, spite, jealousy.  Be content and let it go.
All slander - defamation, backbiting.  KJV says "evil speakings".   Remember the old saying, "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all."
As we replace our source of nutrition, being renewed in our thinking by the milk of God's Word, we will grow up spiritually.  We will be "transformed by the renewing of you (our)  mind(s)".( Romans 12:2).
Oh what grace we have been given.  That God has given to us His living Word!  That we can call upon Him for every need and know that He is faithful.   Father God, "give me understanding that I may observe Thy law, and keep it with all my heart. Make me walk in the path of They commandments, for I delight in it." (Psalm 119:34-35)

Friday, August 16, 2013

Psalm 119:73-80  The psalmist's heart is continually tuned to the song of the Savior.   Here he reminds us of the attributes of the God he serves.
v 73 "Thy hands made me and fashioned me".   Our God is the Creator of heaven and earth.  There is nothing that exists that He did not make.  He made everything out of nothing.  He made us, each of us, purposely and thoughtfully.  The idea of fashioning us comes from a Hebrew word that speaks of setting up, preparing, ordering, perfecting, establishing.
v75 "...Thy judgements are righteous"  Our God is perfectly just.  Never unfair in the verdict He pronounces.  He has told us plainly that sin will result in death, that we are all sinners, and that our only hope is Jesus.  We all have sinned; we all deserve death; but Jesus died in our place.
".. and that in faithfulness Thous hast afflicted me."  Our God is faithful.  He allows circumstances and trials and afflictions into our life to draw us to Himself, to teach us His ways, for our good.
v76 "O may Thy lovingkindness comfort me."  The heart of our God is revealed in His Word.  He loves us.  He desires to pour out that love upon us. We can receive it and be comforted.
v77 "May Thy compassion come to me that I may live."  Our God is the source of life.  There is no other.  It is the compassion of God that sent Jesus to die in my place. Only in Him do I receive real life.
In response to these truths the psalmist continues to pray for God's Word to permeate his life. He desires a heart that is "blameless" so that he will not be ashamed.  He wants to live a life that will cause other believers to "see me and be glad".  To even "turn to" him.  To be an encouragement and an example to others who follow the Word of God.
"Give me understanding, that I may learn Thy commandments."  Father, this is my prayer also.  To know Your Word, to walk in Your Truth, every day, every moment. Thank You for creating me. You are righteous, faithful, loving, and compassionate.  I praise Your holy Name. Amen

I Peter 14-25  The salvation "ready to be revealed in the last time" was :
prophesied by the prophets
preached by the power of the Holy Spirit
longed for by the angels
presented by Jesus Christ
purchased with precious blood
planned before the foundation of the earth
purposed by God
proclaimed by the imperishable Word of God.
So, obey, be holy, conduct yourself fearfully, know the worth of your redemption, purify your soul, love one another from the heart.
Eternity is at stake.  "Therefore gird your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ." v13.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Psalm 119:65-72  Affliction.  Not a pleasant thought.  But the psalmist is thankful for the affliction he has suffered. v67 "Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I keep Thy Word." v71 "It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I may learn Thy statutes." and v 75 "I know, O Lord that Thy judgements are righteous and that in faithfulness Thou hast afflicted me."
Affliction was needed to keep him from going astray from God and His Word.
Affliction was for his good, not evil.
Affliction was from the faithful heart of God, Who loves His children and disciplines those He loves.
Affliction is humbling. Even abasing or browbeating.  It is depressing.  It is difficult and hurtful.
But when the affliction is loving discipline from the Hand of the righteous Father, then it is GOOD.
"Thou art good and doest good."  the psalmist testifies.  God deals with us well.  He teaches us "good discernment and knowledge."  He gives us His Word which is "better to me than thousands of gold and silver pieces."  Let me learn Your ways O Lord.

I Peter 1:6-9  Peter tells the readers to rejoice even if they have been "distressed by various trials."
Affliction.  ( Amazing how a lesson from the Psalms and a passage in my regular reading so often parallel one another... hmmm).  Here,  Peter says that this affliction in the form of trials, is "proof (evidence of the trustworthiness) of your faith".  It tests this precious commodity. It proves that your faith is genuine.  This "results in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ."
Just as in Ps.119, this difficulty, this uncomfortable, even devastating trial, is "good".  Because it is an instrument in the Hand of our Good God!  And in this we can rejoice.
Genuine, tested faith brings a glorious outcome, " the salvation of your souls". v10.  It means loving the One we have not seen.  It means believing in Him, even when we still cannot see His face. It is rejoicing with "joy inexpressible and full of glory" because of Him. Even in times of affliction.
In verse 13 Peter gives us 3 things to help us .
1. Gird your minds for action.
2. Keep sober in spirit.
3. Fix your hope completely on the grace to come.
Gird - to fasten on one's belt.  In Ephesians Paul tells us to gird ourselves with the belt of Truth.  We need our thoughts to be surrounded by the Truth of God's Word. Filled with His Voice of Truth. Ready to do what He says.  Sheep, following the Shepherd's voice.
Sober- discreet, watching, careful and not careless.  Not drunk from the excesses of the world.
A fixed hope - a living hope - rests completely on God's amazing Grace.
 Jesus, You are power, You are mighty, You are joy.  Fill my mind with Your Truth, fill my eyes with Your love, and grant me Your living hope fixed on the Grace to come eternally. Amen.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Psalm 119:57-64  " The Lord is my portion;"   Matthew Henry's commentary says that this means that the psalmist makes God's favor the source of life, happiness, and satisfaction.  "Others place their happiness in the wealth and honors of this world.  Their portion is in this world. Their portion is in this life; they look no further; they desire no more;..."  Like Lazarus and the rich man that Jesus talked about in Luke 16,  the rich man had his portion  ( he was satisfied and happy with his riches) while living, but Lazarus receives his in the bosom of Abraham, after he died.
According to the dictionary a portion refers to the part of something allotted to you.  Your part of an inheritance, your part of a meal.  When Israel finally entered the promised land each tribe was assigned a portion, a part of the land. But the tribe of Levi was not given land, their "portion" was The Lord.  Having The Lord as your allotment, your portion, means He is ALL you rely on and live by.  To say that The Lord is your portion, your only source of life, your only desire, then it follows that you will do everything you can to honor Him, serve Him, and please Him.  The psalmist says that he has:
Promised to keep God's words. ( Commitment)
Prayed for God's favor. (Humility)
Considered his own ways. (Confession )
Turned his feet to obey.  (Repentance)
Didn't delay or hesitate . ( Obedience)
Not forgotten the Word even in times of great distress. (Endurance)
Gotten up in the middle of the night just to thank The Lord. (Gratitude)
Became a friend to all who fear The Lord. (Fellowship)

In other words, he has committed himself completely to the One who is his All in all.  Why?  Because of Who God is, "The earth is full of Thy lovingkindness, O Lord".  The God Who is infinite, eternal, almighty, all-powerful, and all-knowing, fills the earth with His own love and mercy.  He is all we need. He is the desire of our hearts. Nothing and no one else can satisfy.  There is no other true source of happiness. Everything else fails.  God alone is worthy of our devotion.  Oh Lord, I also entreat Thy favor with all my heart. Teach me Your ways.  You are my portion. Amen.

I Peter 1:1-5
Peter addresses this letter to the "chosen"ones.   Chosen according to God's eternal knowledge, sanctified (set apart) by the Holy Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ, being covered by His blood.  It is by God's mercy that we are "born again".  It is through the resurrection of Jesus Christ that we are given a "living hope".  Hope for eternity, "an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you." The Lord is my portion.
This promised inheritance is given to us.  We are "protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time." v5

Praise and honor and blessing to our God Who has given us such grace and showed us such mercy.  Thank You Lord for salvation that is not just for past sins, but for eternal glory. We have a LIVING HOPE through Jesus Christ our Lord. A portion much more valuable than any earthly treasure.  Oh Lord may I walk in Your ways and live in the light of Your Word.  Be Thou my portion always. Amen.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Psalm 119:49-56 The Word of God brings hope.  It brings comfort. It brings life. .  It also brings indignation against wickedness.  "Burning indignation" - horror, anger,  consuming sadness.  When the Word has become ours, when we keep it, guard it, love it, obey it, rely upon it;  when we consume it for nourishment of our souls and it becomes part of us,  then we will have these same reactions as the psalmist.  We will find that God grants us hope and removes despair.  We can trust in His plan and purposes and know that they are good, because He is Good.  We will be able to comfort ourselves in the Truth, that God is Sovereign, and He always wins.  Even when we are derided - scoffed at , mocked, or scorned.  Just as Jesus suffered and was victorious, so we can find comfort that God is always with us.  The Word brings life.  Real life with real value, for eternity.  And the Word also brings "burning indignation".  We are horrified, angry, and saddened by those who forsake the Law of God.  We see people arrogantly flaunting their sin and proclaiming themselves "right".  We hear people declaring themselves god of their lives and are horrified and saddened that they are heading to hell.  And then they turn around and believe that their unbelieving loved one dies and becomes an angel!  Oh, how deceived and lost they are, these ones who choose their own ways and scorn the Word of God.
Merciful Father, send forth Your Light, Your Truth, Your Grace into this lost and dying world. May we turn back to Your Word and find hope, comfort and life in the only True way, in Jesus Christ Who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  Amen

James 5
v1-6  James encourages the reader to examine their hearts in regard to their riches.  Earthly treasures will rot, rust, or become moth-eaten.  Living luxuriously, selfishly, while treating employees unfairly and inhumanely, will bring you to a place of misery and howling.  Judgement is coming, and "the Judge is standing right at the door."
v7 - 11  James encourages the "brethren" to be patient, to endure, to strengthen their hearts, and to follow the example of the prophets and of Job; knowing that "the Lord is full of compassion and is merciful. ( Finding hope and comfort in the Word).
v12-19  James encourages the brethren to pray.   Pray with integrity and honesty.  Pray when you are suffering and when you are joyful. Pray when you are sick and have the elders pray and anoint you.  Pray with faith.  Pray for forgiveness, confessing your sins.  Pray for one another.  Pray like Elijah, effectively and in righteousness.  Pray for those who have strayed from the Truth.  Pray for opportunities to turn sinners from the "error of his way and save his soul from death".   Pray because prayer changes things. God changes hearts and lives. God can and will bring hope, comfort, and life. Thank You Father for Your Word and Your Compassion and Mercy.  Amen.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Psalm 119:41-48 The Word of God brings about changes in us, the more we take in of God's precepts and testimonies and commands, the more we trust what He has revealed to us; the more we will know His mercy.   Salvation comes according to the Word of God.  It is in His Word that we find truth and freedom, delight and love. The psalmist says" I shall lift up my hands to Thy commandments, which I love; and I will meditate on Thy statutes." v48.   To "lift up" ones hands means to accept, bear, bring forth, desire, receive, raise, swear.  I get the picture of a person raising their hand to take an oath.   It is a complete commitment to live by the Truth of God's Word.  The psalmist commits to live by the Word  "continually, forever and ever".   He commits to speaking of the Word even in the presence of authority, "before kings".  And once again the psalmist calls on The Lord to help him to do this.  He waits on The Lord and prays for His divine help.
What an encouragement to stay in the Word, to memorize and meditate and practice living by His Words.  Help me Father to also walk in these Truths. Forever and ever. Amen.

James 4
James continues to pack great truths into each chapter.  This section unpacks some of what it means to have wisdom from above as opposed to the earthly, natural wisdom which is demonic.  Godly wisdom will be seen in us by our good behavior and deeds of gentleness.  It is a life of purity. It is a life of peace, gentleness, reasonableness, mercy, and goodness.  It is consistent and without hypocrisy.  Earthly wisdom is selfish and bitterly jealous.  It brings disorder and evil.  There are many who are "wise" in the ways of the world, I'm sure you can think of many right now.  But there are few of those who walk completely in godly wisdom.
James gives some advice about how to help us walk more consistently in godly wisdom.
v1-3  Our prayer life matters.  " You do not have because you do not ask."  Or we ask with wrong motives, selfishly.  We are jealous, we quarrel, we lust, we murder.  It is a downward spiral that starts because we don't trust God enough to pray.  And if we do pray, we miss the fact that it is not about us, but about the God Who made us and knows what we need.  James will tell us more about the power of prayer in chapter 5.  Right now we must just realize that we must pray unselfishly and humbly.
v4-5 Our allegiances matter.   We can have a friendship with the world or a friendship with God.  We can't do both.  "do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God?"  God wants our full allegiance.  If we raise our hands and pledge to follow Jesus, then we must not think that we can live like the "world" with earthly wisdom, self-centered and evil.
v6-10 Our attitudes matter.  Pride or humility.  "God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.  The proud person thinks only of himself.  But God calls us to humble ourselves.  And He gives the grace for us to do so.  We must submit to Him, draw near to Him,  repent before Him,  mourn before Him. We must realize that the throne is God's, not ours.  If we get off the throne and let Him be Lord, He promises us blessing.  He gives us help to resist the devil.  And the devil will flee from us when we are in right relationship with our King.
v 11-12  Our relationships matter.  We our not the judge of others.  God is the Lawgiver and the Judge.  He decides.  He is the "One who is able to save and to destroy."  Our place is to love and be merciful, peaceful, pure, reasonable, and good.  He alone judges the heart of mankind.
v13-17 Our  outlook matters.  Are we arrogant, making plans, doing our own things, boasting in our own plans for the future?  James says that is an evil outlook.  We can't know what tomorrow holds.  Our lives are like a vapor.  A godly outlook will say "If The Lord wills, we shall live and also do this or that."  It is not that we don't make plans, it is that we submit out plans to Him and let Him lead.  "Trust in The Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6.   It is interesting that verse 7 says "Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear The Lord and turn away from evil."  The same message that James is trying to give us.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Psalm 119:33-40  The psalmist shows utter dependence on the Writer of the Word to help him do what the Word commands.  "Teach me" ; "Give me";  "Make me" ;  "Establish Thy Word" to me; and "Revive me".    All requests, prayers of the heart.  The writer does love the Word and desires to do the Word, but he humbly realizes that he cannot keep the Word through his own efforts.  He must depend on the One whose ordinances are good, to help him.   It is in this attitude of dependence and trust, that he finds hope and revival of his heart.  Likewise, we are to delight in God's Word, but realize in true humility that we are completely dependent on Him do help us to live according to its ways.
v37 "Turn away my eyes from looking at vanity." This prayer is so deep and challenging to pray.  The things of this world are enticing and keep our eyes and minds occupied with that which is useless, fruitless, vain. "Vanity"  speaks of that which is desolating and destructive, false and useless, deceptive and idolatrous.  To really walk according to God's Word we need to have our eyes (and minds) focused on it, not on the things of this world.  Am I able to honestly pray this prayer?  What about my favorite TV show?  What about facebook and games?  Oh Lord, I too need Your help!  Give me a  desire for You and turn my eyes from that which is not You.  Do it Lord, for I am weak and You are strong.  Thank You for being the perfect Father and the Gentle Shepherd.  Amen.

James 3
Not only do I hear the Lord's exhortation about my eyes in Psalm 119, but now I read in James about the problem with my tongue!  We all stumble, James tells us, and one of the biggest problems is our lack of control over our tongues.  How many fires have we started?  Just how untamed is your tongue? It can be utterly destructive.  I believe that!
But, James gives us instructions to help us with this devastating problem.  We again are called to prayer.  To seek God's gift of wisdom.  For the wisdom that God gives to us freely is: " first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy, and good fruits, unwavering without hypocrisy." v17.  We need His wisdom to replace our "earthly, natural, demonic" wisdom, which is filled with jealousy and selfish ambition.
Once again the prayer of my heart is "Help"!  Take my tongue and my eyes, take all of me Lord!
Fill me with Your Holy Spirit, teach me Your ways. I desire the heavenly wisdom that comes only from You. Let Your Word fill my mind and heart that I might not sin against you with my eyes or with my lips.  In and through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever, Amen.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Psalm 119: 25-32   The psalmist, like all of us, is struggling.  He is down in the "dust". He is weeping with grief.   He has failed in some way.  As we all do.  But, he does not want to stay there in the "false way".  So here he cries out for help from The Lord, the source of hope and life.
"Revive me according to Thy Word", he prays.  Teach me, strengthen me, remove me from the wrong path, grant me the right way.  He turns his eyes to The Lord, once again,  "I've told you of my ways, ";  " I will meditate on Thy wonders, " ; and "I have chosen the faithful way".   Confession, repentance, re-dedication.  " I cleave to Thy testimonies."  " I will run the way of Thy commandments."
Once again a deliberate decision to follow God through reading, remembering, and meditating on the Word of God.  And once again a statement of faith: " For Thou wilt enlarge my heart."   It is in His work, by the Holy Spirit,  in our hearts that we can even begin to turn from "false ways"  to "faithful ways" .   The word "enlarge" is the Hebrew word rachab - to broaden, make large, or make room, to open wide.  It is The Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth, the Maker of our hearts, Who reaches down and makes room in our hearts for Himself and His Word.  He will revive us and teach us,  He will strengthen us and help us.  But, we must have the perspective of the psalmist... humbly admitting that we are in the dust, grieving over our sins and failures, and deliberately choosing to follow Him, running to His Word, cleaving to His Voice, and meditating on His Wonders.
Oh Faithful Father, enlarge my heart today.  Help me to walk the faithful way, for I choose You.  Thank You for Your goodness and mercy that surely follow me every day of my life.  You are my Shepherd and I shall not want. Amen.

James 2
 There seems to be 2 themes in this chapter of James.  Verses 1-13 have to do with making judgements based on personal favoritism, while verses 14-26 have to do with living faith and dead faith.
The first section makes us grimace a bit.  Don't we all have a tendency sometimes to accept the beautiful, well-dressed, cleaned up person and dismiss the dirty, poor, and needy one?  Sadly, in our society, and often in our churches, we do just that.  James calls us to open our eyes to the Truth.  That it is the poor whom God has chosen to give His Kingdom to:  "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven," ( Matthew 5:3)  And it is the "rich" who oppress and persecute and blaspheme the Name of Jesus. Christians are commanded to love ALL people. Without partiality.  To speak and act in accord to His Mercy.
The second theme is also challenging, for we are told that we must be saved by faith alone.  Yet, James is calling us to works.  However, it is emphasized here that our faith is proven by our works.  In other words, good works are evidence of a real faith.  If we just say we have faith, but never act in ways that show evidence of that faith, then what good is it?  As James tells us "the demons also believe and shudder".  (v19).  They "believe" in God, but they do not have saving faith.  They do not have living faith that is evidenced by their good works.   When we have this living faith we will act in the ways of love and mercy.
Here is where the 2 themes of the chapter are connected. Practical faith, living faith.  Impartial, loving, merciful, truthful, and working the good works that God has prepared for us to do.
Oh Lord fill us with Your love, in Your Truth, that we might have faith and do the works that You desire for each of Your children today. Amen.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Psalm 119:17-24 The psalmist appeals to The Lord for His blessings.  His requests are specific:
Deal bountifully with me - treat me well, do good to me, reward me, make me fruitful: so I can obey You.
Open my eyes:  so I can see the "wonderful things" in the Word - the things too high, too difficult, too marvelous
Do not hide Your commandments:  I long for Your Truth, I don't want to be arrogant or cursed, I don't want to wander away or bring reproach upon myself.  I want to be faithful no matter what.
 Again the psalmist realizes and does his part - He meditates on the Word, He delights in the Word, and he takes counsel in the Word.  These actions are deliberate.  Because he has meditated, delighted and listened to the counsel of God's Word, he can testify that he has observed the "testimonies" of God.
Hear God's appeal to us. He has given us His Word, the Law, the Prophets, the letters, the Gospels.  We must deliberately meditate, delight in, and obey the counsel of the Word.  But, we can't grasp the Truth of His Word without the help of His Spirit.  Let us pray as the psalmist did:
Lord God, Almighty Father,  deal bountifully with us, so that we can obey You.  Open our eyes to Your Word, so we can grasp the Truths too difficult for our mortal minds.  Don't hide Your truths, but give us hearts to delight and meditate on them, to act in obedience always, to observe Your testimonies. Fill us with Your Spirit, our Counselor, to receive Your Truth and to walk in obedience to it. Every day.  Equip us in every good thing to do Your will, work in us that which is pleasing to You, "through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever, Amen"

James 1
James also exhorts us to look to God's Word.  v18 " In the exercise of His will He brought us forth by the word of truth."   v21b " in humility receive the word implanted, which is able to save your souls." v 22 "But prove yourselves doers of the word and not merely hearers who delude themselves." and v25 "But one who looks intently at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man shall be blessed in what he does."
James also warns us of trusting in ourselves or in our wealth (or lack thereof), or of trusting in "religion".   We must come to God and ask for His "wisdom".   We must come in faith believing that He alone is the giver of "every perfect gift".   It is in the perfect gift of His Word that we will find eternal life, true religion, wisdom, and endurance through trials.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Psalm 119: 9-16  In order to walk a pure "way", a path , a life, that pleases God, the psalmist teaches us to keep it according to the Word.  He testifies that he has sought God with all his heart in order to stay pure and faithful to the Word of God.   His prayer is that he not "wander" from the commandments.  ( not go astray, not make mistakes, transgress, reel, err, be ravished, be ignorant)
He does his part by: treasuring the Word in his heart; speaking the Word with his lips; rejoicing in God's Word ( testimonies); meditating on the Word; regarding God's ways; delighting in the Word; and remembering ( not forget) the Word.
Yet he realizes his need for God's help and his utter dependence on God to walk this walk.  It begins with seeking God.  It is praying for God to not let him stray, teaching him and guarding him.  He praises The Lord, blessing Him for the help that God gives, for he cannot walk this path by his own efforts.
Father,  teach me Your ways, keep me from straying in this journey of my life.  Help me to do my part faithfully, to treasure Your Word, for it is certainly more precious than gold; to speak Your Word, even when others don't want to hear it; to rejoice in Your Word, for it is GOOD NEWS; to observe Your ways, Your Word lived out by others; to delight in Your Word, for the precious promises are sweet and full of hope; and to remember Your Word, keeping my thoughts and meditations focused on You. "Blessed art Thou, O Lord"!

Hebrews 13
The writer concludes this letter to the Hebrews with reminders of what the "acceptable service" to The Lord looks like in action.  It is first of all "love of the brethren".  It is showing hospitality to those we may not know; it is remembering those who suffer in prison or from persecution; it is being faithful in marriage. It is having godly character, free from greed and selfishness.  It is regarding respectfully those who brought God's Word to us.  It is staying focused on the truth of God's Word and trusting in Him alone.  It is following Jesus to the cross.  It is praise and thanksgiving to the Holy One.  It is offering sacrifices of doing good and sharing with those in need.
The benediction is powerful, words to remember and meditate on:
" Now the God of peace who brought up from the dead the great Shepherd of the sheep,
through the blood of the eternal covenant, even Jesus our Lord,
equip you in every good thing,
to do His will,
working in us that which is pleasing in His sight,
through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever.  Amen. " Heb. 13:20-21

Monday, August 5, 2013

Psalm 119:1-8  Blessing is connected to our "ways", our course of life, our journey through the paths of life and our actions along the way.   A blessed or happy life is given to those:
1.  Who are blameless- have integrity, are truthful, sincere, whole, and unblemished, ( v1)
2.  Who walk in the law, observe His testimonies, keep His precepts, and keep His statutes,  - in other words, are obedient to the Word of God. ( v1,2, 4, 5, )
3.   Who seek Him with all their heart, do no unrighteousness, look to Him, give thanks to Him, learn His righteous judgements, and depend on Him. ( v2, 3, 6, 7, and 8)

We must look to Him to know His ways.  It is obedience to the Word of God, by faith in the heart of God.  He establishes us in His ways, to keep His instructions, so that we can be blameless and thankful and blessed.  If we are not seeking His instruction in His Word, then we are not going to know Him.  Just as Hebrews 12 tells us, God is our Father, Who disciplines, instructs, and trains us in His ways.  If we refuse the training and instruction then we are "illegitimate" and not "sons".

 Our Heavenly Father requires His children to know His Ways.   As every father establishes the rules of his household, our Father has established His own rules.  We find those in His Word.  Any good father does more than just make a list of rules,  he loves and provides and trains his children to live the way he desires.  He is the example as well as the instructor.   God the Father has established this pattern by His own example.  And He sent Jesus Christ as the perfect example of what He desires His children to be.  Jesus knew completely what the Word taught.  He walked in the ways of God in perfect obedience. He looked to the Father in every thing He did.  He was and is the perfect Son.  He wants to help us to be the same.  Oh thank You gracious God that You gave us Your Son and Your Spirit to help us to walk in Your ways. "Oh that  my ways may be established to keep Thy statutes! Then I shall not be ashamed."

Hebrews 12 Discipline is not always pleasant, but here we are told it is fruitful.   "it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness".   And as the psalmist reminded us, righteousness, blamelessness, brings blessing.   The writer of Hebrews, like the psalmist, directs us to the ways of God. We are to walk in "straight paths."   We are to "pursue peace" and "sanctification".   We are to extend grace and refuse immorality and godlessness. We are to hear His voice and receive His kingdom, the only Kingdom that cannot be shaken.
Israel received the Law of God on Mount Sinai.  There was fire and darkness, gloom, and wind.  There was a trumpet blast and Words spoken from Heaven that terrified them.
We receive the Word at "Mount Zion, the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem,"  with angels and "righteous men made perfect", and with Jesus "the mediator of a new covenant and to the sprinkled blood which speaks better than the blood of Abel".  Mount Sinai was shaken, but Mount Zion will never be shaken. Therefore  "let us show gratitude by which we may offer God an acceptable service with reverence and awe; for our God is a consuming fire."  ( v28-29).
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word, for Your Spirit Who leads us in the ways of Your Beloved Son.  Guide my thoughts and my actions in righteousness and in grace.   Bless my family with Your loving instructions that lead to life and happiness.  May they choose the straight paths and always seek You. I ask this in the Name of Jesus, my Lord and Savior, the mediator of this new covenant.  Amen.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Psalm 120 "In my trouble I cried to The Lord, and He answered me."   So thankful that The Lord hears our cries.  That He answers our prayers.  That He draws near, that He saves us and helps us.
This psalmist prays for deliverance from lies.  Maybe his own tendency to speak lies, or from the lies that others tell him.  Or maybe from the lies that others tell about him.   This has been my prayer for over a year now.  Lies told about my husband.  Hurtful and wicked lies. We still wait for The Lord to intervene in these matters. We place our trust in Him alone to bring deliverance.   I must admit that sometimes ( often times)  I wonder if He has heard us.  The answer has not yet come.  But I choose to  place myself in His Hands.  He is my Keeper.  He does not sleep.  He will protect us from evil.  He will keep our souls.   So, yes, thank You Lord that You hear our cries  and You deliver our souls from lying lips and deceitful tongues.  It is You, the maker of heaven and earth, that is our helper and we bless Your holy Name.

Hebrews 12  To live by faith then, is to run the race with our eyes fixed on the prize, on Jesus.  Jesus the author of faith; the chief, the captain, the prince, of faith.  Jesus the perfecter - the completer, the consummater, the finisher, of faith.  He endured the cross, He endured hostility, He endured it and now has received the place of honor at the right Hand of God's throne.  He is our example and our Helper.

As Jesus endured suffering, we are called to endure God's loving discipline. Discipline = chastening (KJ):  training, tutorage, education, correction, instruction, nurture.  As God's children we are to :
Take His discipline seriously ( v5)
Not faint
Understand it as a sign of His love ( v 6)
Realize it is a part of His receiving us - admission, accepting, drawing near, delighting in
"It is for discipline that you endure" v7.   Discipline is a part of sonship.   A Father disciplines His own children.  Illegitimate children do not receive that discipline.  If we don't receive the Father's discipline then we have no place in His family.  " .. but He disciplines us for our good, that we may share in His holiness. " v 10.  The purpose of God's discipline is to produce righteousness.  Our part is to be subject to the Father's training and correction.  To obey and to respect Him as our Heavenly Father, above and beyond our obedience and respect for our earthly fathers.
Paul often includes in his letters instruction for parents and children.   The children are to obey and respect. The fathers are to discipline and instruct. This completely reflects the relationship that God desires for us with Himself.  His part is the discipline and instruction, ours is the receiving and obedience.  Thank You Heavenly Father for Your great Love and discipline.  I desire to be obedient in every way.  May Your will be done in me today.  Help me to endure and not fail to follow You today. Amen.