Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Psalm 54  When "violent men" decided to seek David's life, he turned to the One who he knew would help.  "Save me, O God, by Thy name. And vindicate me by Thy power."  

It is the Name of the Lord that saves.  It is His power that vindicates.  It is His hand that sustains. It is His faithfulness that delivers. 

"I will give thanks to Thy name, O Lord, for it is good."  The Name.. that is above all other names.. is Adonai... Master.. Jehovah.. Jesus... It is a good, good name.. Our Father.. is a good, good father.  Our Lord Jesus.. is Wonderful, Counselor, Prince of Peace.. Coming King.  Oh it is a GOOD Name!

David's enemies did not "set God before them.."  They didn't call on His Name.  They didn't turn themselves towards His Name. They didn't impute to Him the glory that He is due.  They would be judged by the One that they would not worship. 

The choice is always made clear in Scripture.. turn to the Lord for salvation, help, deliverance.. or turn away and find only destruction and death. 

David continually turned his face towards the Lord. He set his heart and life firmly in the Name and Power of the Lord, Most High. May we do the same.. always!

Father in heaven,  Your Name is holy and we give thanks for it is good!  When we find ourselves in trouble or in doubt, help us.. deliver us.. and keep us in Your powerful right Hand. May we continually take up the shield of faith and trust You to be our Savior and Deliverer.  We praise and worship only You! May Your will be done in us today, we pray.. in Jesus' name. amen

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