Tuesday, March 22, 2022

 Psalm 67 "God be merciful and gracious to us and bless us and cause His face to shine upon us and among us."   The psalmist uses the prayer of blessing that was given to the priests in Numbers 6:24 to sing this song of praise and prayer..  Numbers 6:27 says that God gave them this blessing to "put My name upon the Israelites and I will bless them.." 

It is a prayer that we can pray for our family and friends.. or for anyone..  knowing that it is God's purpose for us to bless them:

"The Lord bless you and keep you."   We are asking the Lord to be their guard... to protect them.. to be a hedge of protection around them.. to attend to their needs. 

"The Lord make His face to shine upon you." - We are asking the Lord to shine His Light - to bring them to salvation.

"The Lord be gracious to you."  We are asking Him to show kindness and mercy, to show His favor to them.

"The Lord lift up His countenance upon you.. " We are asking that He reveal Himself to them.. that they would know His Presence.. that they would see Him with unveiled eyes. 

".. and give you peace.. " shalom - happiness, wholeness, health and safety.. rest. 

It is a wonderful blessing.. a perfect prayer that asks what God wants us to ask for others so that they would know Him.  The psalmist sings this prayer for the people adding.. "That your way may be known upon the earth, Your saving power.. among the nations."

The blessing is not limited to the people of Israel.. the psalmist is bringing it for "all the peoples".. for all the nations - that they would "be glad and sing for joy". That every nation would praise God and give Him thanks..so that "God will bless us, and and all the ends of the earth shall reverently fear Him." 

Father in heaven, we bless Your holy name. We pray for the nations to find this blessing that You have freely and wonderfully given in Your Name.  May the Light of the World, Jesus Christ the Lord be exalted in all the earth.  May the powerful presence of Your Holy Spirit fill the land with repentance and revival, that the earth would truly sing for joy as Your saving power is made know among the nations. It is a big prayer that we are praying.. but it is Your plan and Your purpose to accomplish it.  Hallelujah! Let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done! Amen and amen!

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