Monday, February 28, 2022

 Psalm 53 "The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God'".  The "nabal" - the wicked, stupid, foolish, vile person - boasts in his declaration that God does not exist - does not see his wickedness; does not hear his lies; does not judge his sins...  

Remember Nabal - the husband of Abigail?  I Samuel 25:3 says, "... the man was harsh and evil in his dealings... "  When David sent his men to Nabal to ask for a share of his feast... Nabal sent them packing, even though they had sheltered and protected his shepherds and his sheep.  Abigail intervened and kept David from avenging himself by killing Nabal and then when she told Nabal what had happened.. "his heart died within him".    He had stored up for himself many riches, made himself merry with wine.. and died.  Nabal's evil dealings brought about his own destruction.  This man lived up to his name - fool. 

A fool is someone who acts like Nabal.. they are corrupt and do what is "abominable". They do not do what is "good".  David writes in this psalm as well as in Psalm14 this same statement, "There is no one who does good."  The person who refuses to acknowledge God does not have understanding.  He or she can not do what is "good". They have "no knowledge". 

There is only one hope and one solution to this foolishness - " O that the salvation of Israel would come out of Zion!" David prays. "When God restores His captive people." 

David's prayer was finally answered when an angel appeared to Mary and  then to Joseph.. "And she will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for it is He who will save His people from their sins." (Matthew 1:21)  Salvation came out of Zion to save not only Israel but every person who will call upon His Name to be saved!

Our world still has its share of "nabals".  Those who refuse the Truth. Those who persist in their corruption and evil.  Those who cannot do "good".  Yes, there are many unbelievers who try to do good works... but they have no understanding of what true goodness really looks like - for it is found only in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.. the Salvation that came out of Zion. 

Father in heaven, lead us in Your paths of righteousness, deliver us from evil. May we proclaim that there IS A GOD- One True God and that You are the eternal Lord of heaven and earth and there is NO other.  Fill us Holy Spirit with the grace and knowledge of Jesus, our Savior and King.  Pour out truth and righteousness upon us that we might truly do "good".  That we might love fully.. that we might have joy and peace, patience and kindness, that we might always be faithful and gentle and good.  We surrender ourselves to You and seek Your face today and always, in the Name of Jesus the King. Amen. 

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