Friday, March 25, 2022

 Psalm 70  Prayer - Andrew Murray wrote, "Prayer makes you aware of what you are and what you should be. It fills you with the continual desire for God and the Holy Spirit. There is only one infallible way to safely weather the numerous difficulties you will encounter in life, and that is to expect nothing from yourself, but in everything to expect and depend upon God for relief. If you cling to this truth, you will be led through all your problems to fellowship with God." 

This was David's practice - every psalm reminds me that David was a man who went after God's heart.. every problem was brought to the Lord.. every answer was from God's hand.  David prayed for deliverance and help.. he was "afflicted and needy".. and he looked with expectation for the Lord to be with him.  "Let all who seek Thee rejoice and be glad in Thee; And let those who love Thy salvation say continually, 'Let God be magnified.'" 

Psalm 71 speaks of a lifetime of prayer.. of trusting God.. of hoping in Him. "Thou art He who took me from my mother's womb.. " (v6)   He speaks of being sustained from birth (v6).. his hope and confidence in the Lord... from his youth (v5).. and "even when I am old and gray.. do not forsake me."  Even after the end of his days on earth.. he writes, "Thou who hast shown me many troubles and distresses wilt revive me again, and wilt bring me up again from the depths of the earth." 

This psalm testifies of the faithfulness of God who's righteousness "reaches to the heavens." He is with us from the time we are being knit together in our mothers' wombs and never leaves us through the trials of life and through the death of these mortal bodies..  Hallelujah! 

"To Thee I will sing praises... My lips will shout for joy when I sing praises to Thee;" 

Father in heaven, we know that our days are in Your hands.. You already know our last days on earth as much as You know the first.. You have been our refuge and our strength through every trial and You have delivered us from evil. Thank You for the salvation that You have given to us freely through the sacrifice of Your Beloved Son on the cross. We cannot save ourselves, nor can we sanctify ourselves.. but we put our hope in You, our Living Hope.. and trust You.. for today and for all the tomorrows that You grant us..and then beyond to the eternal Kingdom where we will praise You all the more! Keep us in this close fellowship with You every day.. teach us to pray like David, like Jesus.. to draw near every day of our lives... to trust You and love You with all our hearts, for we ask this in Jesus' name.  Amen. 

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