Wednesday, March 2, 2022

 Psalm 55  This is not a song I would like to sing, at least at first glance... David jumps back and forth - He seeks God's ear and determines to trust Him, but he is filled with complaints and distractions and conflict. 

Listen to David's confession/complaints - 

He is restless. v2
He is "distracted". v2
He is under pressure from his enemy. v3
He is in trouble.
He feels their anger.v3
He is in anguish. v4
He is terrified. 
"Fear and trembling come upon me." v5

David wants to fly away and find refuge.
He wants God to intervene. 
His hurts are multiplied because it is a friend that has betrayed him. Instead of "sweet fellowship", David has received reproach and hatred aimed at him. v12-14  He is in despair. 

In the middle of this, David prays.. "As for me, I shall call upon God, and the Lord will save me. Evening and morning and at noon, I will complain and murmur, and He will hear my voice, He will redeem my soul in peace from the battle which is against me.. God will hear and answer.. ." (v16-19)

 And He does answer:
"Cast your burden upon the Lord, and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken." 

Think about this - It is ok to murmur and complain TO the Lord  (Just not about the Lord as the Israelites did in the wilderness)... to cast our burdens upon Him.. As  Jesus said, "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. "( Matthew 11:28)  Here we find the Truth that rescued David from his despair - No matter what the circumstances we are facing.. no matter who has turned against us.. no matter what troubles we find ourselves in.. when we take these things to the Lord.. He will hear us and He will answer.....

Father in heaven, thank You for listening to our heart's cries.  Thank You for listening, even when we are complaining or murmuring.. Thank You for caring about our every burden.  Thank You for sustaining us and bringing us peace.  I bring my cares to You today, Lord... burdens for family, for the church, for our country.. and for the world in conflict today and I ask for Your grace and mercy.. I pray that the evil of the wicked would come to an end and that You would establish the righteous. (Ps. 7:9) For You are the Righteous God who tries hearts and minds, Who is our shield, and Who saves the upright.  Praise and honor and glory to Your Holy Name!  Amen. 

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