Monday, March 21, 2022

 Psalm 66  The psalmist calls for "all the earth" to praise the Lord.. to "make His praise glorious!"   Our songs of praise should have "weight".. they should mean something.. they should tell of His "awesome" works. They should proclaim the greatness of His power.  When we praise God like that, His enemies will bow before Him.. reluctantly and without heart... but they will bow anyway!  There is no choice in the end.. for "all the earth shall bow down to You and sing to You; they shall praise Your name in song." v4

We praise the Lord for the things He has done.. for how He has saved His people.. for how He has answered our cries.  "He turned the sea into dry land, they crossed the river on foot; there did we rejoice in Him."   Just as He allowed Israel to cross the Red Sea and the Jordan.. He is able to open a way for His children to cross over barriers that otherwise would be uncrossable.  He can make a way where there is no way! Sing praise!

"He rules by His might forever, His eyes observe and keep watch over the nations; let not the rebellious exalt themselves."  ( v7)   So thankful that the Lord sees what is happening in the Ukraine.  He sees and will act by His might and power to accomplish His purposes. "Bless our God, O Peoples, give Him grateful thanks and make the voice of His praise be heard." (v8)   We are to give Him praise and thanks for what is happening.. How can that be?  We can be thankful for those who have been "kept.. among the living.." and those whose feet have not slipped. (v9)  Thankful for the Christians who are persevering and who are sharing the Good News of Jesus even as they are being "tried.. as silver" ( v10)

The Lord brought His people "into the net".. He "laid a heavy burden" on them.  He "caused men to ride over [their] heads."  They went through "fire and water". It sounds just like what is happening today in our world.  Yet, He brought His people through.. and He will bring us through again.  God heard their prayers.. and He hears ours. 

"Blessed be God, Who has not rejected my prayer nor removed His mercy and lovingkindness from being with me."  Yes.. sing praise!

Father in heaven, we pray for the nations of this world.. that they might choose to bow before You in true praise and worship.  May Your praise be made glorious!  Remind us to sing with thankful hearts to make Your praise heard!  Fill us with great joy and pure hearts that we might proclaim Your worth with every song that we sing. We are thankful that You have preserved many lives and are providing for Your people in need.  May Your Name be lifted up among the nations today. May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on this earth.. today.. as it is in heaven.  In Jesus' name. Amen. 

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