Wednesday, March 16, 2022

 Psalm 65  This psalm exalts the Lord for His provisions.. for all the earth is given what is needed for life.. from His hand alone.  "To You belongs silence.. " David begins.. a reverent awe-filled wonder that realizes and acknowledges that God IS.. that everything exists because He created it.  Yes, "praise is due and fitting.." to the Lord God who is Sovereign over all the universe. 

"O You Who hear prayer, to You shall all flesh come."  Whether we acknowledge this or not.. we are all totally dependent on the One True God for everything. From the highest mountain to the lowest valley.. every living being.. every plant.. every man, woman, and child.. God provides.  If He did not.. there would be nothing. 

David starts by acknowledging his sins and praising God for making a way of atonement.. "You forgive and purge them (our sins) away.."  God chooses to draw us near to Himself.. to find satisfaction in Him.. to trust in His justice and righteousness.  He wants to be our hope and confidence.  All He has given.. all He has done is for this purpose. Most importantly, He desires to save us from sin and death.  He sent His only begotten Son to do that for us. 

He made the mountains by His might.. (v6)
He is the One..  "Who still the roaring of the seas, the roaring of the waves, and the tumult of the peoples." (v7)
He makes the morning and the evening.(v8)
He brings the rains and causes grain to grow and provide food. (v9-10) 
He brings the bounty of harvests and clothes the meadows with flocks.(v11-12)

Everything.. everything.. is His and He gives to us all.. the just and the unjust.. the believer and the atheist.. from His store.  How can we not praise Him and sing for joy at His goodness to us?

Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your Name! When we ask You to give us our daily bread.. we are acknowledging that everything we need must come from You. We cannot make the wheat to grow.. the sun to shine.. or the rain to fall.  We cannot make atonement for our own sins.  Thanks be to God.. for You have made a way where there was no way.. Jesus Christ our Lord, the Lamb of God, has paid the price so that our sins have been washed away.  Thank You for providing all that we need for today.. physical need.. spiritual needs.. relationship needs.. everything !  Let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, we pray. May praise and worship fitting to You rise from our hearts today. Amen. 

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