Wednesday, March 23, 2022

 Psalm 68  "Blessed be God" ( v35)....With these words David ends this psalm.. The theme is clear - the greatness of God reflected back to the days on Sinai when He revealed Himself to Moses and the Israelites, and the greatness that is revealed in the Sanctuary in Zion. 

"Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered.. " This is our prayer right along with David .. that those who hate the Lord would run away, be driven out, that they would melt like wax. "So let the wicked perish before God."  These things are in God's hands.. the scattering of the wicked and the establishment of righteousness.  That day is coming and we desire to see it.. even as we pray for the wicked to repent and turn back to Him, before it is too late.

"Sing to God, sing praises to His name;"  
The Lord "rides through the deserts." 
He is a "father of the fatherless and a judge for the widows."
He "makes a home for the lonely;"
He "leads out the prisoners into prosperity."
God went before the people of Israel.. taking them out of Egypt, through the wilderness and into His Presence at Sinai. 
He brought them to a land of promise. 
He scattered the foreign kings. 
He chose Zion to put His name there.. for His people... and for all who would call upon the Name of the Lord. 

And He is not finished yet.  The Kingdom of God is coming..  the God of deliverance.. the God of salvation is ready to speak again with His mighty voice. All the kingdoms of earth will sing His praises. That day is coming.. "Blessed be God!"

Father in heaven,  our constant prayer is for Your Kingdom to come and for Your will to be done. We want to see Your glory and know You even as we are known.  Meanwhile, we are intercessors for this who are lost.. for the fatherless and the widow.. for the lonely and imprisoned.. and for those who have not heard the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ who has "ascended on high" leading captivity captive.  Thank You that You bear our burdens, You grant us repentance and salvation, and You deliver us from evil and from death.  We ascribe to You strength and majesty, for You are an awesome God! Give strength and power to Your people, Lord God, that we might bless You.  In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. 

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