Tuesday, March 15, 2022

 Psalm 64 When the enemy brings terror..when he conspires evil and schemes to bring against us.. when he aims "venomous words like arrows" and ambushes us with no reason.. when the wicked think that they will get away with their evil acts of injustice.. then.. "God will shoot an unexpected arrow at them.. " 

The wicked will stumble. They will fall.  We will see the work of God and will "be glad in the Lord and shall trust and take refuge in Him; and all the upright in heart shall glory and offer praise." 

Our God never changes. His plans and purposes will not fail.  We see the schemes of those who are doing evil.. but our faith is in the God who will work on behalf of His own.  Trust Him.. Wait on Him.  Pray for those who are in the midst of the terror, that God will.. even now.. bring an end to the evil acts of the wicked and will establish His righteous Kingdom. 

Father in heaven, thank You for the truth of Your Word that lights our paths and shows us the way to walk in faith and hope.. through the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Lord of Hosts, move the mountains of hatred and greed. Open the eyes of the lost that they might know Your love and the good news of the Kingdom.  Fill Your people with love and steadfastness. Help us to walk according to Your Spirit and to be faithful in prayer and generous in deed.  We ask this in Jesus' name. amen. 

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