Thursday, March 10, 2022

 Psalm 61  This psalm is a beautiful prayer and confession of faith in God's protection.  It is one that is very personal for David.. and one that we can truly make our own prayer.. 

Lord, Adonai, You are God in heaven above and on the earth below and there is no other.. therefore I ask You to hear my cry and give heed to my prayer.   Even though I am far away.. "from the end of the earth I call to Thee.."  Even though "my heart is faint;"  Hear me and lead me to Yourself.. "to the rock that is higher than I."  I will trust in You. 

You are my refuge. You are my strength.  To You I come.. to" take refuge in the shelter of Your wings."  To be in Your tent.. in Your presence forever.  I will trust You. 

Lord,  I have committed myself to You.  I have vowed to follow You, to worship You, to serve You. Let me be steadfast as Christ Himself is steadfast..  You have given to me a promise.. a living hope.... an inheritance that will never fade or rust or rot away.. for it is eternal and true. And I will trust You. 

Thank You for a King who will abide forever at the right hand of the throne of glory.  Thank You that lovingkindness and truth belong to Him. 

 "I will sing praise to Thy name forever." This is my promise,  and by Your grace and power, it will be so, for You are faithful and You will bring it to pass according to  Your will.  Hear me.. lead me.. and keep me abiding in Christ the Lord. 

This I pray, in the name of that is above all names, the name of Jesus. Amen. 

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