Monday, March 7, 2022

 Psalm 58  "Do you indeed speak righteousness, O gods?"   Can the idols of the world know anything about righteousness?  Looking back on my blog to the last time I read this psalm I talked about an article I had read.. the people in a certain country had made a plaster elephant head.. they worshipped it and then threw it into the ocean.  It is a hopeless source of righteousness.. or peace.. or of anything.. The same with any worthless idol.  It may be beautiful for a moment, but there is nothing that it can do in light of eternity. 

The idols of our nation are equally worthless.. wealth, privilege, power.. fame.. whatever it is that a person seeks to find some hope in..other than the One True God.. will not last any longer than a plaster elephant in the ocean.. 

David tells us that those who trust in these false gods cannot "judge uprightly".  Their hearts are dark and their hands are violent. They are like venomous snakes.. dangerous and deadly. His prayer is direct and bold: " O God, shatter their teeth in their mouths; break out the fangs of the young lions, O Lord. Let them flow away like water that runs off." 

What if we.. all those who believe in the One True and Righteous God.. who alone judges on earth.. what if we prayed this bold prayer.. asking God to shatter the teeth of those who are doing wickedness in our world today?  

Father, when the wicked ones aim their arrows, "let them be as headless shafts".  Let them "be as a snail which melts away as it goes along..  Like the miscarriage of a woman that never sees the sun."  Sweep them away with Your Mighty hand. Stop the violence against the innocent and defenseless.  Righteous Judge, let the evil of the wicked come to an end and establish the righteous we pray.  We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, the Righteous One who came to proclaim Truth and Grace. Amen. 

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