Friday, March 11, 2022

 Psalm 62 (Amplified Bible)    "For God alone my soul waits in silence; from Him comes my salvation."  (v1)

 To wait.. to stop everything.. to be still and silent before God.. this is what is necessary.  This is what we are missing in the midst of busy days.. in the noise of our world.. in the distractions of our culture.  David goes on to say, "My soul, wait only upon God and silently submit to Him; for my hope and expectation are from Him." (v5)

To wait on God is to trust Him.. "Trust in, lean on, rely on, and have confidence in Him at all times, you people; pour out you hearts before Him. God is a refuge for us (a fortress and a high tower). (v8) To wait on Him is to pray... 

When God is our ONLY rock.. our ONLY salvation.. our ONLY Defense.. our ONLY Fortress.. When we are waiting on Him.. silently and submitting to Him fully.. then and only then.. will we stand firm  "I shall not be moved".. David proclaims.. I won't be shaken.  I won't but my trust in  the emptiness of men.. whether they are low on the social scale or high up.   David warns us to not trust in riches.. to not set our hearts on anything or anyone else.. but on God alone for " power belongs to God."  Mercy and lovingkindness belong to Him also. 

Wait.. rest.. trust.. surrender..obey.  This is what we must choose if were are to find His salvation. 

O Lord our God, Father in heaven, we set our hearts on You, to wait on You.. to silently, humbly, patiently surrender to Your will and purposes.  May we not fear what man is doing in this world today.. but to trust You.. that You are in control, that You are God in heaven and on the earth and there is no other.  All power belongs to You. Hallelujah! You are merciful and kind.  You see Your children and You hear the prayers of Your people.  We are waiting with hope and expectation to see You move among the nations.  You will be exalted! Praise Your holy Name. Amen. 

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