Monday, November 2, 2020

 I Thessalonians 2  In this chapter Paul describes how he and Silas and Timothy had come to Thessalonica after they had suffered in Philippi - "we had the courage, united with our God, to tell you the Good News even under great pressure. ( amid much opposition  NASB)" ( v2)  

As God's ambassadors to the church, Paul and his fellow workers:

Had pure motives, not desiring to trick or confound them. ( v3)

They did not try to win their favor by flattering or falsely presenting themselves. (v4-5)

They did not try to assert their authority over the people. ( v6) 

They were "gentle... like a mother feeding and caring for her children." ( v7)

"We were so devoted to you that we were glad to share with you not only God's Good News but also our own lives.. " ( v8)

They "worked night and day not to put a burden on any[ of them] " (9)

Their behavior was "holy, righteous and blameless". ( v10)

They treated them "the way a father treats his children ..." (v11)

They "encouraged.. comforted..and appealed" to them to "lead lives worthy of God.. " (v12) 

The people of Thessalonica heard the Word of God and received it.. and it changed them!

Paul called these people his "glory and [his] hope". 

All of these characteristics are important as followers of Christ who want to share the Gospel with those around us.  We need to be bold.. (Father, give us boldness and courage!)

We need to have pure motives and honest, loving, gentle... holy and righteous.. and caring attitudes towards those with whom we share God's Word.   Like a Mom.  Like a Dad. Like Jesus. (Father, may we imitate Paul's example as we go into the world and share Your Word with others.)

Father in heaven, thank You for Your grace that is higher than the heavens and Your faithfulness that reaches to the skies.  We praise You, for Your righteousness is greater than all the mountains on our planet and Your judgements are deeper than the sea.  We take refuge in the shadow of Your wings, Adonai. We find life in You. We have light in Your light. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit and fulfill Your purposes in us today. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our glorious Lord. Amen. 

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