Thursday, November 5, 2020

 II Thessalonians 1  Paul continues to commend the church for their faith in God and their love for one another.  They were experiencing persecution, but were persevering and trusting God.  Paul focuses on the end result - that "the name of our Lord Yeshua will be glorified in [them].  

Paul's prayer -".. we always pray for you that our God may make you worthy of his calling and may fulfill by His power every good purpose of yours and every action stemming from your trust." 

May we be also encouraged by Paul's reminders here:

"God's judgement is just.." ( v5)

Those who persevere and keep trusting God through persecution and trouble.. will "be counted worthy of the Kingdom of God for which you are suffering." (v5)

God will justly "pay back trouble to those who are troubling" us. ( v6)

When Jesus returns He will judge the wicked with the "just penalty of eternal destruction". ( v9)

But, He will be glorified by those who have trusted Him. ( v10). 

Two ways to live.. two ends are possible - eternal life or eternal destruction. Choose God's mercy or choose His wrath.  The time is drawing near.  May we persevere in faith and love!

David wrote this in Psalm 39:

"Make me grasp, Adonai, what my end must be,

what it means that my days are numbered; 

let me know what a transient creature I am. 

You have made my days like handbreadths;

for you, the length of my life is like nothing.

Yes, everyone, not matter how firmly he stands,

is merely a puff of wind. 

Humans go about like shadows;

their turmoil is all for nothing." ( v4-6) 

And like David, we need to realize this truth and come to the same conclusion: " Now, Adonai, what am I waiting for? You are my only hope." (v7)

Father in heaven, we are all like a "puff of wind", living in this world with all its troubles and tribulations. Open our eyes to see clearly who You are and to see also, who we are in Christ.   May we recognize that our days are like handbreadths - and we do not know when that time will end.  May we be alert and ready, enduring in faith, persistent in love and holiness.  Living in a manner worthy of our calling.  Lord God, You are infinitely merciful, and are extending that mercy freely to all who will turn from their sins and receive Jesus as their Savior and Lord.  I pray for our nation, for our world, that You will send forth workers into the harvest field and that there will yet be a mighty harvest of souls for the Kingdom of God, to the glory of Jesus Christ our Messiah and King.  Amen. 

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