Tuesday, November 10, 2020

 I Kings 2  David... the man after God's heart, the mighty warrior, the king of Israel, the beloved psalmist,  the one chosen to produce a line of descendants that would eventually lead to the Messiah,Jesus... died and was "buried in the City of David."   His final words are recorded here for us. 

First, David instructs Solomon to "be strong; show yourself a man."  Obey God's charge. Walk in God's ways.  Keep God's word.  The promise was Solomon's to keep.. "if  you do, Adonai will fulfill what he promised me when He said, ' If your children pay attention to how they live, conducting themselves before me honestly with all their heart and being, you will never lack a man on the throne of Israel.'" 

Then, David gave instructions about things that needed to be done so that Solomon's throne would be secure. 

Joab had betrayed David by killing Abner and Amasa.  He needed to be dealt with. 

Barzillai the Gileadite had shown kindness to David and should be repaid with favor. 

Shimei had cursed David and deserved to be punished. 

Adonijah, Solomon's older brother, who had tried to usurp the throne, wasn't done with his plotting.  He came to Bathsheba and convinced her to ask Solomon for Abishag, the young woman who had ministered to David in his last days. Solomon saw through this request, realizing that it was a threat against him and ordered his brother to be put to death. 

Abiathar, the priest who had betrayed David, was dismissed from service. Joab was executed for his betrayal.  Shimei was given a chance to live, but failed to keep the conditions and was also executed. 

After all this, then ".. the kingdom was established in the hands of Solomon." 

I would like to skip over these things and move on to the next chapter.. but, I feel the need to hesitate here and think about what God was doing.  David was set apart by God for a purpose that was beyond anything he could have imagined when he was a young man out watching his father's sheep.  As he laid on his deathbed, did he think about all the things he had experienced?  The day the giant fell, the day he cut off the hem of Saul's robe... the day he lost his son.. the day he took Bathsheba?   His biggest concern, it seems, was not the past, but the future.  Would Solomon keep the law of God and keep the throne of Israel?  It was David's greatest desire and hope that it would be so. 

Perhaps David was given a glimpse of the Son who would come and keep all the commandments of God, fulfilling all of the Law, and Who would reign forevermore.. the One who was called the Son of David and the Son of God.  David put his faith in God's promises. He did not see them fulfilled during his lifetime.. but his hope was not in vain!

Father, our hope is in You.  Your infinite grace falls like rain and we lift up our vessels of faith, to receive what we need.  Your mercies are new every morning and we gratefully receive that which we do not deserve.  Like the psalmist we thirst for You and long to be in Your presence.  When we are downcast we remind ourselves of You... knowing that You are Sovereign, You are omniscient and omnipotent .  We will put our trust and hope in You alone. We may not be able to see the things we hope for, but we have faith that brings us assurance that Your every promise will be fulfilled.   Strengthen us and be glorified in Your church today, we pray, in Jesus' name. Amen. 

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