Wednesday, November 18, 2020

 I Kings 10-11  Chapter 10 describes the height of Solomon's reign - tons of gold poured into Israel. National leaders came to hear his wisdom and to honor him.  Year after year Israel and Solomon prospered.  But... 

King Solomon loved women.  Foreign women.  Women from countries that Adonai had commanded Israel not to intermarry with..  Solomon married 1000 of these women.  Just as the Lord had warned, these wives turned Solomon's heart away from Adonai.  He built altars for their foreign gods.  He worshiped at their idols - Ashtoreth, the fertility goddess of the Sidonians; Milcom, the detestable idol of the Ammorites ( a cultic "king")   Chemosh the detestable idol of Moab.. and Molech the detestable idol of Ammon, (which is thought to be associated with human/ child sacrifices.) 

"Now the Lord was angry with Solomon because his heart was turned away from the Lord, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice." ( 11:9)

Adonai raised up adversaries against Solomon.  He warned Solomon that the kingdom would be torn in two after his death. Solomon's one son, Rehoboam, would lose control of 10 tribes and retain only the tribe of Judah.. and that was only for David's sake.  After 40 years as king of Israel, Solomon died. 

How could this happen?  How could a man with such great wisdom become a fool? And more importantly.. did he ever repent and turn back to God?

"... if you will live in my Presence.. in pureness of heart and uprightness.. "  Adonai had spoken these words to Solomon directly.. and yet he failed.  He failed by turning away, letting his heart seek other gods, and living for himself and his wives.  If the wisest man to ever live did this.. why do we think that more wisdom or knowledge can solve anything?  It can't!  The only way we can live to please the Lord is to live in His Presence. 

Father in heaven, You are altogether holy.  Your holiness is nothing like anything we can know or comprehend, for You are God alone.  In truth, as Tozer wrote, You are.. " unique, unapproachable, incomprehensible and unattainable."  Only by Your Holy Spirit can we begin to grasp the Truth of Who you are.. and we do so by faith.. that You supply.  Come fill us again!  Father, we want to live in Your Presence, so that we will not fail to remain faithful and pure before You.  We need Your grace and mercy to keep close to You. So, we take refuge in You. We cling to You. We keep our eyes turned to You, in Jesus Christ our King, who  abides in us and we in Him.  With every prayer and petition.. we give thanks, for Your love is unfailing and You will not let us go!  Hallelujah! Amen. 

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