Tuesday, November 3, 2020

 I Thessalonians 3-4  Paul's heart, like the heart of a father or mother, was concerned for his spiritual children.  He knew that they were experiencing persecution, and even though he had warned them, he was anxious to know that they were standing firm in their faith.  When Timothy went to them and returned with good news, Paul was overjoyed!

We can all relate to this somewhat.. when our children grow up and leave home, we know that things will happen in their lives and we know that their faith will be challenged.  How wonderful it is when we see them growing in their faith!  As John wrote, " I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth." ( III John 1:4)

Paul prayed "as hard as" he could for these dear people.  He wanted to come and see them for himself, so great was his love for them.  He prayed for their love to increase even more.  He prayed that they would have inner strength to remain holy.  He prayed that they would stand blameless before God at the coming of Jesus Christ.  A great example of prayer for one another!

Paul reminded the church of his teachings about  how to live "in order to please God".   Here, he reminds them that these instructions come from Jesus Himself:

Be holy... stay away from immorality, managing impulses and lustful desires.  To honor one another and to  live a clean life. (4: 3-7)

 To Love - and keep on loving.. do it more and more! (v9-10)

"Also, make it your ambition to live quietly, to mind you own business and to earn your living by your own efforts.. " ( v11) 

Paul ends this chapter, encouraging the believers that they did not need to fear for those believers who had died, but to trust that they will meet again on that day when Jesus comes! 

Father, in this time and on this day,  we look to You for peace and hope. What joy it is when we see our children and our brothers and sisters in Christ walking in Your Truth and Light. We are truly encouraged! We thank You for the reminders in Your Word to live in a way that pleases You.. to act in holiness, in love, and with integrity.  We look for the return of our Lord Jesus, with hope and faith.  We pray for the lost, that they might turn away from all evil and receive the salvation that is only through faith in Jesus.  Help us, Your church, to live blameless and holy lives of love and grace, to the glory of Your holy name. In Jesus we pray, amen. 

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