Wednesday, November 25, 2020

 I  Kings 17  Elijah, the man of God,  came from Gilead, on the eastern side of the Jordan river.  He went to Ahab, the evil king,  and boldly pronounced God's judgement.. " As the Lord, the God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, surely there will be neither dew nor rain these years, except by my word." 

Ahab and Jezebel had embraced the worship of Baal,  believed to be the "god" of rain and fertility.

 Elijah's pronouncement is that Adonai, the true  God of Israel - lives!  And the truth is.. Adonai alone controls the rains and the harvest.  For three and a half years this truth is proven before all of Israel. 

Adonai sends Elijah away to the brook Cherith where he miraculously brought food by the ravens and where he had water to drink for a while.  When the brook dried up, Adonai sent Elijah on a journey of about 80-90 miles, to Sidon, to a gentile widow.. who was on her last bit of food. 

The fact that this woman agrees to Elijah's request for a drink and some bread is remarkable.  The fact that she recognizes the God that Elijah served as the living God, is also remarkable.  The fact that this woman's grain and oil never ran out.. is miraculous. The fact that later, her child dies and she appeals to Elijah, who then prays for this child.. and brings him back to his mother... alive by the grace of God.. is beyond anything she could have imagined or hoped. 

This God.. Adonai.. whom Elijah served.. is our God. He is Almighty God. There is nothing that is impossible for Him.  Tozer wrote this.. "Acquaint thyself with God. To regain her lost power, the Church must see heaven opened and have a transforming vision of God... The God we must learn to know is the Majesty in the heavens, God the Father  Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, the only wise God our Savior."  

Let us remember and meditate upon the Majesty and Might of our holy God, who has never changed and Who never will. The God of Elijah still  judges sin,  overcomes evil, and provides for His children who completely trust their whole lives to Him. 

Father in heaven, we lift our eyes towards You, placing our trust in You alone. The world pulls us down into the darkness and sickness and sin, but You have sent to us a Redeemer, Jesus Christ, the Light of the World.  We give You a sacrifice of thanksgiving and praise.  We seek Your Presence, Your Spirit alive in us that we might know You more and more.. our God, the Almighty King.  Be glorified in Your people as You do remarkable, impossible, and amazing miracles among us, that all the world will know that You alone are God and there is no other. In Jesus' name we pray.   Amen. 

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