Friday, October 30, 2020

 I Thessalonians 1  The church was standing firm in spite of persecution from unbelieving Jews.  Paul  states that their "trust" or faith produced action;  their love produced hard work; and their hope produced perseverance.  He reminded them that they were chosen and loved by God.  He reminded them that they received the word "in power".. by the Holy Spirit.. with "full conviction" and that they were an example for others. This is also an example for us.. the church today.

The church's reputation spread throughout the region.  They were serving God.  And.. they were waiting "for His Son Yeshua, whom he raised from the dead to appear from heaven and rescue us from the impending fury of God's judgement." ( v10) 

It is this last statement that strikes me this morning.  We talk of Christ's return with great joy.. and rightfully so.. but we cannot  downplay the fact that when Jesus comes, He comes as the Judge of all mankind. Those without faith in Jesus Christ will face that "impending fury of God's judgement". 

 The Judge is coming..  as James writes.. "behold the Judge is standing at the door"  (5:9)  and  He will come "in righteousness" to  judge and "wage war" - (Revelation19:11) Because this in true we need to take note of what Paul writes to  Timothy (2 Timothy 4:1) "I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom; preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort,  with great patience and instruction." 

Our faith must lead to action; our love must be a labor of love; and our hope must persevere for the sake of our coming Lord and for the sake of those who will stand before the Righteous Judge one day soon.  Let us preach the word.  Let us be bold, patient, and honest. Let us stop being weighed down by worldly distractions. Let us turn our eyes, our hearts, and our lives to Him -fully convinced of the Truth.. Jesus is coming soon and those who do not know Him will experience the "wrath to come". 

Father, raise up Your church to be  all that You have chosen us to be. Forgive us for failing to speak up as we should. Send Holy Spirit power upon us that we might win others to Christ Jesus.  We ask this in His mighty name, Amen. 

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