Monday, November 16, 2020

 I Kings 6  This chapter describes the building of the temple. It took 7 years to complete.  It took David's heart and Solomon's wisdom to bring this building to completion.  Cypress and cedar, stones prepared at a quarry so that no hammers, chisels or iron tools were used in the house itself.  Gold overlays everywhere. It was an amazing feat of architecture and construction. 

Chapter 7 describes the building of Solomon's palace and the making of all the bronze work for the temple. 

And finally in chapter 8 we have the dedication of the temple.  If Solomon's life had stopped right there.. we would have had no doubts about his love for and devotion to God.  The depth and height of his prayers! 

Solomon testifies to God's faithfulness in fulfilling his promises to David.  He acknowledges the greatness of a God who does not dwell on the earth and who cannot be contained in the heavens.  He pleaded that God would honor this house built for His name -That God Himself would be Present there;   hearing every prayer, plea, and cry directed toward it.  Solomon's prayer also acknowledges the need for repentance.. ".. if they turn back to you, acknowledge your name, and pray and make their plea to you in this house... "

Solomon addressed the circumstances that would precipitate these prayers.. 

v31 - when a person sins against another.. 

v33 - when the nation is defeated by an enemy

v35 - when there is a great drought

v37 - when there is a famine.. a blight.. a windstorm, etc - "no matter what kind of plague or sickness.." 

v38 - when an individual is plagued by their own conscience... "hear in heaven where you live, and forgive and act, and since you know what is in each one's heart, give each person what his conduct deserves.. " 

v41 - when a foreigner comes and prays.. 

v46- " If they sin against you - for there is no one who doesn't sin - and you are angry with them.." 

" May your eyes be open to the plea of your servant and to the plea of your people Israel, so that you will hear them whenever they cry out to you. "  ( v52) 

Solomon's closing prayer is powerful:  " May Adonai our God be with us, as he was with our ancestors. May he never leave us or abandon us. In this way he will incline our hearts towards him, so that we will live according to his ways and observe his.. laws and rulings.. May these words of mine, which I have used in my plea before Adonai, be present with Adonai our God day and night, so that he will uphold the cause of his servant...  Then all the peoples of the earth will know that Adonai is God; there is no other. So be wholehearted with Adonai our God, living by his laws and observing his commands, as you are doing today." ( v57-61)

 Let us learn from Solomon, the wisest man to ever live.. how to pray:

  We do not look towards the temple..  for it is gone.  But, we look towards Jesus, whose Name is above all names.. who is God with us.. who will never leave us or forsake us.. the One greater than the temple is here! He is PRESENT!  But, we must, like Solomon told Israel -  turn back to God; acknowledge His Name; and pray! We must be careful about what we do.. knowing that we do live in His holy Presence. 

Father in heaven, You are our refuge and strength .  You are our ever-present God. Your are here!  Your glory left Solomon's temple, but You have given us Your Spirit to dwell in us, to fill us, so that we can know Your glory more and more.  We pray for our land, Father.  That people will turn back to You, truly repenting of their sins.. sins against You and sins against each other; sins that plague their own consciences.. and may they acknowledge that You alone are God, "Supreme over the nations, supreme over the earth" and there is no other.  And may they cry out to You in the Name of Jesus Christ the Lord. Hear our cry for our nation.. for our communities, for our families.. we pray.  In Jesus' name. Amen. 

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