Friday, November 27, 2020

 I Kings 19  After the great display of God's power on Carmel, Elijah prayed for rain.. and the rain came down.  Elijah ran.. faster than Ahab's chariot.. to the entrance of Jezreel.  But... when Jezebel heard what had happened, she threatened Elijah's life... and Elijah ran away. 

Elijah was so discouraged that he prayed for God to take his life.  He was also exhausted and feeling totally alone.  He went to the desert in the far south of Judah.. as far away as he could get from Jezebel and her threats. There, he laid down and slept. Twice he was woken up by an angel who fed him bread and gave him water.  Finally, he regained enough strength that he traveled 40 days and nights to Mt Horeb - Mt Sinai, the Mountain of God - 200 miles away.  This same place was where Moses had met face to face with Adonai.  Here is where Elijah also meets with Adonai. 

"What are you doing here, Elijah?"  the Lord asks him... twice.  Between those two questions, Adonai revealed Himself to Elijah - He sent a great wind, an earthquake, and a fire... Displays of the power of God over all the earth. But, it was the still, small voice - that Elijah finally recognized.. and knew God's Presence with him, there on the mountain at the entrance of a cave.  This does not change Elijah's answer to God's question.. but Elijah is ready to go back and do what God tells him to do. 

Elijah is told to anoint a new king in Aram, a new king in Israel, and a new prophet to take his own place. 

Elijah does the last thing.. first, finding Elisha working in the field. Elijah gives his cloak to Elisha.. calling him to follow.. and he does. 

This year of 2020 has left many of us feeling like Elijah - discouraged, exhausted, and afraid.  Perhaps, our Lord could also ask us, "What are you doing here..?"  What are we doing here?  We need to listen to our Shepherd's voice.. to know His Presence.. so that we can go and do what He tells us to do.  Maybe He just wants us to find and "Elisha".. someone to take on the Lord's work.  Maybe He has another assignment for us.  Whatever it is, we will not find it by running away.  We will not find it in the wind, earthquake, or fire.. We will find it in Him.  Be still, He tells us, and "KNOW that I am God."  The rest of that verse is a truth we need to stand on - " I will be exalted among the nations.  I will be exalted in the earth." ( Psalm 46:10) 

Father in Heaven, our Everlasting Father, Christ Jesus, the Son, we come to honor You - the Exalted God who is Lord of hosts, our stronghold, our Deliverer, the One in whom we trust.  David wrote, "Most High, when I am afraid, I put my trust in You. In God - I praise his word- in God I trust; I have no fear; what can human power do to me?" ( Ps. 56:3-4)  Like Elijah, we are weary and discouraged by the sins of our land.  We are exhausted by the continual bad news.  We are ready to cry out "Enough"! Yet, we know that You are God and that all things are in Your Hands.. and we are in Your Hands.  So, we pray, '"Let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven... let Your Kingdom come.."  And, " Let Your name be hallowed.. our God, who is a consuming fire!"  In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. 

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