Friday, November 6, 2020

 II Thessalonians 2  As we await the Day of the Lord, Paul reminds all of us to be careful that we are not deceived. We need to know what the Word says and be cautious of any who go against it.  Truth is found in God's word. We need to  believe the Truth, know the Truth, study the Truth, and walk in the Truth.  Paul says that "faithfulness .. has its origin in the truth" ( v13) .  The Lord has chosen us, delivered us, and is making us holy by His own Spirit.  In this we can "stand firm"! 

(Strap on that belt of Truth!)

Chapter 3 In this final chapter, Paul appeals for the church to pray for him.  Verse 1 is a great prayer for God's servants everywhere.. and for each of us as well - ".. pray for us that the Lord's message may spread rapidly  (run freely) and receive honor ( be glorified)..."  

EM Bounds writes this, regarding this verse, ".. the prayer for the spread of the gospel gives the same energy to the Word of the Lord, as the greatest outlay of strength gives success to the racer. Prayer in the pew gives the preached word energy, facility, and success.... Praylessness in the pew is a serious hindrance to the running of the Word of the Lord."  (The Weapon of Prayer)

Paul gives some final instructions to the church:

v5 "May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and the perseverance which the Messiah gives." 

v12.. ".. settle down, get to work, and earn your own living.."  

 We should also  be "an example to imitate".. and a help to those who need to change their ways. (v9,15)

Father in heaven,  we desire to walk in the Truth and to be actively doing all we can to see that the Truth, the word of God spreads rapidly throughout our land.  Help us to be faithful according to Your word and diligent in praying as we must.  Holy Spirit, come and fill Your church today, let the Word of God run freely and be glorified in our world today.  In Jesus' name we ask this. Amen. 

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