Thursday, November 12, 2020

 I Kings 3  "Solomon loved Adonai, living according to the regulations set forth by David his father... "  but... "he sacrificed and made offerings on the high places."

This chapter records Solomon's encounter with God at Gibeon. Samuel had gone to Gibeon to offer sacrifices... 1000 burnt offerings.  Even though this was not the right place to be offering sacrifices, God still met with Solomon there, in a dream.  When God asks Solomon what he wanted, Solomon asked for understanding and wisdom to rule God's people.  ( A wise request!)  This pleased God and this request was granted, plus some... 

What an honest, heart-felt, unpretentious request - "So now, Adonai my God, you have made your servant king in the place of David my father; but I am a mere child; I don't know how to lead! Moreover your servant is among your people, whom you chose, a great people so numerous that they cannot be counted. Therefore, give your servant an understanding heart able to administer justice to your people, so that I can discern between good and bad - for who is equal to judging this great people of yours?" (v7-9)

An understanding heart. 

Administration of Justice

Discernment between good and bad. 

Would that every person in authority would ask for and receive such a gift!

 Adonai answers Solomon's request and adds even more gifts to Solomon. Then Solomon returns to Jerusalem and there offers more burnt offerings and peace offerings before the ark of the covenant.  This is the right place for worshiping God.  A needed change in Solomon's life. 

The example of Solomon's ruling in the situation of the two women who each claimed a living child as their own.. allows all the people to see God's wisdom was at work in Solomon.  It further cemented the establishment of his place as king of Israel and Judah. 

 God Himself says that it takes a "wise and understanding heart"  to "discern justice".  This kind of heart only comes from God.  Paul wrote to the Corinthians that man's wisdom was foolishness to God.  James wrote about true wisdom..  This " wisdom from above - is.. . pure.. peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy .. "  He says, " Who among you is wise and understanding? Let him show by his good behavior his deeds in the gentleness of wisdom." 

Father in heaven, today we pray for wisdom from above for our nation, for every person in a place of authority, and for every one of Your children.  Help us to walk in Your truth and show by our actions Your wisdom and light. May we do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with You.   We pray for Your peace.  We pray that Your Name will be glorified in Your people.  We ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 

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