Monday, November 9, 2020

 I Kings 1  David reigned for 40 years and at the ripe old age of 70 became bedridden.  As was the custom,  his caretakers included a  beautiful young woman who waited on him and kept him warm.  It is at this fragile time in David's life that his son, Adonijah decides to usurp the throne.  He does it behind his father's back by enlisting horses and chariots, a squad of 50 men to run before him, and some of his father's own advisors - Joab, the leader of the army and Abiathar the priest.  Adonijah planned his own coronation by holding a feast outside of Jerusalem and inviting all his brothers - except Solomon.   He also excluded Zadok the priest, Nathan the prophet, and Shimei, Rei and "the mighty men who belonged to David. 

Nathan is the one who deals with the rebellion of Adonijah.  Somewhere along the line, David had promised Bathsheba that Solomon would be king after him.  Nathan goes to Bathsheba, who understands that she and Solomon are in danger if Adonijah becomes king.  Going to David, Bathsheba explains what is going on and David takes action immediately. 

Solomon is appropriately anointed as David's successor to the throne.  He rides the king's donkey.  He is anointed by Nathan and Zadok.  The shofar is sounded.  He ascends to David's throne.   David kept his vows.  Solomon was king of Israel and Judah.  Adonijah's plans failed and he ran for his life after all his supporters fled for their lives. 

What I find interesting in this account is the contrast between the two brothers. 

Adonijah exalted himself.  He was considered handsome and spoiled.  He was probably the oldest of David's sons at that time, so he considered it his right to become king.  Yet, he chose to go behind his father's back and to take the throne for himself.  There is no mention of the Lord in all of Adonijah's plans. 

Solomon did not seek the throne for himself.  David had vowed before the Lord to appoint Solomon to the throne.  Everything that happened was done properly and legally.  God's blessings were prayed upon Solomon, by David and by the people. 

Father in heaven, this account of Adonijah and Solomon, brings to mind the challenge that our nation is facing today.  We pray that Your will be done in our country and that the man of Your choosing would be our president.  We pray that whoever that may turn out to be, would bow before You, seek You with all of his heart, mind, and soul, and serve You fully.  May everything be done as it should and may Your name be exalted.  Father, bless us with Your grace and mercy.  Thank You that no matter what, You are our refuge and help, our God, who never fails!  In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. 

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