Monday, November 30, 2020

 I Kings 20  This is a remarkable story of Adonai giving Ahab another chance..  Ben-hadad, the king of Aram ( Syria) and 32 kings with him, threatened Israel.  He first demanded all the silver and gold, as well as all the wives and children of Ahab. Then he wanted Ahab to allow his soldiers to enter Samaria and take anything they wanted.  Ahab would have allowed the first but refused the second.  It is at this point that a prophet, sent by Adonai, comes and says,  " Thus says the Lord, 'Behold, I will deliver them into your hand today, and you shall know that I am the Lord'" 

The Lord works a miracle for Ahab.. allowing Israel to have victory over the vast armies that had come against the small army of Israel.  

The counselors of Aram told Ben-hadad that the God of Israel was only the god of the mountains and that they would have victory in the valley.  So, the next year Aram waged war against Israel again.. in the valley, and God again  gave the victory to Ahab's small army again.... "therefore I will give all this great multitude into your hand, and you shall know that I am the Lord." 

Unfortunately, Ahab decided to make a peace agreement with Ben-hadad and let him go instead of destroying him as the Lord commanded. When the prophet reproves Ahab he goes home "sullen and vexed." 

Ahab was able to see the Hand of God at work with his own eyes.. on the mountain where Elijah challenged the priests of Baal;  the 3 years without rain and the return of rain by Elijah's prayer;  the victories over the armies of Aram.... and yet he still refused to acknowledge that Adonai was the only True God. 

Are our eyes open?  Do we see what the Lord wants us to see?  Do we know that He is the Lord and that He rules over all the nations.. even ours?   Ahab, as evil as he was, received grace.. opportunities to turn to God.  No one - is too far from the Lord' s mighty Hands.  As Peter wrote, "The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance." ( II Peter 3:9) Even someone as evil as Ahab. 

Father in heaven, we know that the Day is coming when all of heaven and earth will be destroyed by the power of Your mighty hand.  And we know that a new heaven and a new earth "in which righteousness dwells" has been promised. We thank You for your patience.  We thank You for the grace that You show to even those with the hardest of hearts. May this word of Truth - that salvation is available to all who will call upon the Name of the Lord - run rapidly throughout our land.. that many more will turn from sin and receive grace. Indeed, we plead for the lost to be saved. Have mercy on them, Lord God.  And may we be the people we ought to be - "holy in conduct and godliness" and "diligent to be found in Him in peace, spotless and blameless" ( II Peter 3:11;14).  May we grow in the grace and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. " To Him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen" ( v18) 

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