Thursday, November 19, 2020

 I Kings 12 Solomon's son Rehoboam became king after Solomon's death. Unfortunately, he did not have his father's wisdom.  Because of Solomon's unfaithfulness to the Lord, the kingdom of Israel would be ripped in two.  Rehoboam was the instrument of this failure. Refusing to listen to the people, refusing to listen to the counsel of older men.. Rehoboam tried to make himself out to be more powerful than his father.  The result was a disaster for the whole nation. 

Jeroboam, one of Solomon's enemies, was appointed to be king of Israel, leaving only the tribe of Judah and some of the tribe of Benjamin under Rehoboam.  But, Jeroboam was unfaithful to the Lord also.  He was fearful that his people would turn from him when they went to Jerusalem to worship the Lord.  So he built his own places of worship, made two golden calfs, set up his own priesthood, and  lost God's favor. 

Choices.. both kings had to decide whom they would serve.. and both chose the wrong way.  Just a generation away from being a blessed nation, to being one torn apart.  Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

We are definitely in a time where choices have been made.. where our nation is at risk of being torn apart. Where leaders are not choosing to turn to the One True God.  More than ever we are being called by God to stand up.. to stand firm.. to be faithful and obedient to God's Word, no matter what.  

Father, help us to have the steadfastness of Christ and the Love of God in our hearts.  Open our hearts and eyes to Your Truth that we might follow You and live each day for You.  We serve You alone.  We worship You alone. Keep us in Your Mighty Hands. Strengthen Your people, your church, so that we can overcome evil with good; overcome hatred with love; and overcome lies with the Truth.  We ask these things in Jesus' name, the Name above all names, our King forever. Amen. 

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