Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Leviticus 16  The Lord gives instructions to Moses about the day of atonement, a yearly event. Aaron, or whoever was the high priest, could only enter the Holy of Holies one time each year.  This required strict obedience to the Lord's directions.

Aaron would wash himself and dress in the special linen clothes, bring the sacrifices, burn incense and enter inside the curtain.  Then atonement was made for himself and his family, the people, the altar and the tent also.  " He will make atonement for the Holy Place because of the uncleannesses of the people of Israel and because of their transgressions - all their sins; and he is to do the same for the tent of meeting which is there with them right in the middle of their uncleannesses."

There He is - God Himself - "in the cloud over the ark-cover" - in the tent which sits right in the middle of Israel - "in the middle of their uncleannesses".   Only the offerings for atonement, offered in obedience to God's Word, would keep Aaron from dying, there in front of God.

Why are we not more often in awe of the fact that we can come into God's presence, just as we are - without special clothing, special washing, special sacrifices - because our atonement has been made through Christ Jesus our High Priest, our atonement offering... the One who's sacrifice caused the veil to be torn in two?  Like the tent of meeting - Jesus is right here with us.. in the middle of our uncleannesses...

He has cleansed us from all unrighteousness .
He has covered us with Himself, clothing us with His righteousness.
He has made the perfect atonement for all our sins.
He has brought us to the Throne of grace.
And, amazingly - He has come to live in us!

I have been meditating on this truth - Christ lives in me.
I read a devotional by Andrew Murray that emphasized this statement by Paul - " I no longer live, but Christ lives in me."  We understand that Jesus died "for" us - which Murray calls the foundation of our faith.  But, he says the "'in me' speaks of our life source."  He states that if we only think about Christ "for us" but never progress to know Christ "in us" - we will live "an impoverished spiritual life".  Murray goes on to say later, " The full gospel is contained in these words: Christ lives in me."
When we forget this we become powerless -  " The primary reason for the powerlessness of the church lies in the fact that Christians no longer have, nor exult in, the knowledge that almighty God, in the person of His son, Jesus Christ, has taken up residence within them. Real revival in the church of Christ depends on our knowing, explaining, and testifying to this truth."

Father in heaven,  You desire to dwell in the midst of Your people.  You came to the tent of meeting and appeared above the mercy seat.  You received their offerings and gave them a way for atonement of their sins. But, You had a greater plan.. for You sent Jesus Christ, the only Begotten of the Father, to make atonement once for all - to all who will believe in Him.  Yes, Hallelujah, He died "for me"!
But, that was not all - for He rose again, He ascended into Heaven to sit at Your right hand, and You sent Your Holy Spirit, so that Christ lives "in me"!   Help us, Lord God, to believe this, receive this, and to live this... Christ lives in me.  I ask this in His Name. Amen.

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