Friday, January 31, 2020

Leviticus 14-15  These chapters have to do with cleansing.  Chapter 14 gives the process of cleansing after a person has leprosy.  Chapter 15 deals with bodily discharges, either for men or women.

 Two things -

In 14:21-32 there is a provision in case the person cannot afford the regular sacrifices.  He still offers a guilt offering and a burnt offering, but it is according to his means.

Secondly, 15:31 gives us the purpose for all these procedures "In this way you will separate the people of Israel from their uncleanness, so that they will not die in a state of uncleanness for defiling my tabernacle which is there with them." 

The commentary here compares these ritual washings to baptism. The rabbinical writings taught the practice of "mikveh" - a ritual immersion for healings and service.  "One Jewish interpretation of the mikveh relates it to an experience of death and resurrection, and also to the reentry into the womb and reemergence."  Reborn - a new birth!

This sheds light on John 3 and the discussion that Jesus held with Nicodemus.  Nicodemus would have known all about being "born again" - or at least according to Jewish traditions. As a boy turned 13 and had his bar mitzvah, he was said to be born again.  When he married, he was said to be born again; and when he became a teacher, again he was considered born again..   What he did not understand was that he needed to be spiritually reborn by the Holy Spirit, not by self-effort or achievement.

Father in heaven, You desire us to be clean, cleansed from sin and unrighteousness and You sent Your  Son to provide that cleansing for us. Thank You. We are washed by the blood of the Lamb.  We are born again by the Holy Spirit so that we are new creatures.  We are so thankful and amazed.  Help us to really understand this  - the uncleanness of our sinfulness and the greatness of Christ's provision that cleanses us from all unrighteousness!  Hallelujah what a Savior!  You are our Mighty God and You will sanctify us fully.  Praise God.  Amen.

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