Thursday, February 27, 2020

John 11   Jesus is the "Resurrection and the Life!"   The death of Lazarus was for a purpose, Jesus said, ".. it is for God's glory, so that the Son of God may receive glory through it."   As Jesus prayed, He again confirmed this, ".. so that they may believe that you have sent me."   And many did believe.

But, the religious leaders refused to believe even this miracle.  They were afraid that everyone would follow Jesus and that the Romans would come in and destroy the Temple and the nation. They missed out on the fact that the One who could raise the dead could also keep them from falling.

The high priest was given a prophesy.. "You know nothing at all, nor do you take into account that one man should die for the people that the whole nation should not perish. "  John adds, "Now this he did not say on his own initiative; but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus was going to die for the nation, and not for the nation only, but that He might also gather together into one the children of God who are scattered abroad." 

That's us!   Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life.. the Gate.. the Good Shepherd.. leads us into eternal Life.  This commentary says it like this.. "He declared that he is the door to the next world."  Hallelujah!

Jesus promised Martha that "Whoever puts his trust in me will live, even if he dies; and everyone living and trusting in me will never die."  Martha believed this.  Yet when Jesus commanded that the stone be rolled away from Lazarus' tomb.. she hesitated. ".. Keep trusting"  Jesus says. ".. you will see the glory of God.." 

Life and death.  In some ways we ignore the reality of death.  We sort of prepare for it by drawing up wills and buying gravesites.. but, we are not really prepared.  As impossible as it is for us to imagine eternity with no end.. it almost as hard to imagine the end of this life in the flesh.  Charles Spurgeon wrote, " Dying is but going home. Indeed, there is no dying for the saints."   Speaking of a dear friend's death, he wrote, " He drew up his feet and smiled.  Likewise you and I will depart. He had borne his testimony in the light even when blind. He had cheered us all , though he was the greatest sufferer of us all. And now the film has gone from the eyes, the anguish is gone from the heart, and he is with Jesus. He smiled. What a sight was that which caused that smile!" (Emphasis mine)

Will we believe?  Is Jesus our Resurrection ?  When that day comes will we leave this world with a smile and enter the next with glory?  I pray so!  Let's keep trusting so that we will see His glory!

Father, You are our God and we entrust ourselves into Your loving Hands through Jesus Christ our Savior and only Hope.  We choose to trust You with all the matters of life and of death.  Your will be done and Your Kingdom come! Amen and amen.

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