Wednesday, February 19, 2020

John 5  Jesus heals a man who has sat by the pool of Bethesda for 38 years.  When the Jews saw the man carrying his mat.. they condemned him for breaking their law, and completely missed the miracle!  When they found out that it was Jesus who healed the man and told him to pick up his mat.. they started harassing Him for healing on the Sabbath.  What follows is a wonderful revelation of Jesus' relationship with the Father and of the truth of who Jesus is...

V. 17 "My Father has been working until now, and I too am working."  Jesus tells the Jews.  They immediately accuse Him of claiming equality with God, on top of the crime of breaking their Sabbath rules. Jesus tells us He is the same as the Father..
V19  He only does what He sees the Father doing.
V20  He tells them that "the Father loves the Son and shows Him everything He does."
V21 Jesus will raise the dead just as the Father does.
V22 The Father has given Jesus the authority of all judgement.
v23  Honoring Jesus is honoring the Father.  Not honoring Jesus is not honoring the Father.
V24 Trusting Jesus is trusting the Father who sent Him and leads to eternal life.
V25  Listening to  Jesus brings life.
V26  The Father has life in Himself and has given the Son life in Himself.
V27 The Father has given the Son authority to "execute judgement". 

When the time of resurrection comes, it will be Jesus who will judge those who have "done good" and those who have "done evil."  He will judge rightly according to the Father's will.

Jesus also tells us that He came to do the things the Father gave Him to do. The Father sent Him.  The Father testifies for Him. The Scriptures bear witness to Him. And Moses even wrote about Him.

Those who seek God in Truth will listen and believe.
But, the Jews would not believe or accept what Jesus said or did.
Jesus reveals three problems that they have:
First, they had no love for God in them.
Secondly, they were so focused on receiving praise from each other that they never even thought about "seeking praise from God only." 
Thirdly,  they didn't really believe the words of Moses, "the very one you have counted on!" so how could they believe Jesus?

Father in heaven,  You are worthy of all praise and honor and glory. Hallowed be Your Name.  May the name of Jesus Christ the Lord be exalted and honored in all the earth!  We are listening to His voice so that we might have life.. eternal life as He has revealed.  This world is still focused on all the wrong things.. especially on receiving praise from others.  Teach us what it means to seek praise from You only.  In Jesus' name we ask this. Amen.

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