Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Leviticus 24:1-9  The Lord told Moses to order the people to "bring you pure oil from crushed olives for the light, to keep lamps burning always."    This strikes me anew - pure oil; crushed olives; light continually.  Oil was used for anointing and for burning.  The light was to be kept burning all through the night. Did God need light?  No... but He ordained that the lamp be kept - "always" in order.  Jesus said, "I am the light of the world".   He was "crushed for our iniquities".   His Light will rise and on that day we will no longer need the sun or the moon.. for He will be our Light forever.  May His Kingdom come!

Verses 10-23 tell of a young man who got into a fight in the camp and used the Lord's name as a curse.  The consequence for this offense was death.  Jesus taught us to pray to the Father "..hallowed be Your Name.."  In a world that has no respect for the holiness of our God's name, may we understand more fully the gravity of this offense against Him.  This young man was taken out of the camp and stoned to death. Think about that...

Chapter 25 teaches the law about resting the land on the 7th year and about the year of jubilee - the 50th year.  The Lord says.. " the land belongs to me - you are only foreigners and temporary residents with me" (verse 23)  Because of this, the Lord instructed His people to follow His instructions and expect His provisions.  If only they had... What a great reminder that all we have and all we are belongs to Him. We are also foreigners and sojourners with Him. Lord, let Your will be done in our lives and land.

Chapter 26

God's promises for obedience are phenomenal - the land will produce, the trees will be fruitful, the rains will be sufficient..the people will eat all they want, have secure borders, and have peace. God would walk among them and they would be the righteous people of God.  Peace, prosperity, and perfect fellowship with Adonai...

But, the consequences for disobedience are also spelled out - war; disease; famine; exile;
We know that this is what happened in Israel, over and over again. But, God still gives them an option: " But if their uncircumcised hearts will grow humble, and they  are paid the punishment of their misdeeds; then I will remember my covenant.. " 

Chapter 27 seems tacked on at the end of theses laws and regulations.  It establishes the rules for redemption - of people, land, or animals.

Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name.  May we learn more of You that we may grasp the great holiness of Your Name and may we be obedient to Your Word.  Thank You for establishing these truths for Your people and to teach us Your ways.   Your ways are perfect.  We are not.  But, we are so thankful for the One who came to redeem us!  Praise to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  It is in His name that we come before You and humbly confess our sins and seek Your blessings according to Your holy word.  Lead us in Your righteous paths and deliver us from all evil, we pray. Amen.

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