Thursday, February 20, 2020

John 6 Jesus feeds the 5000 " as much as they wanted".   How many of those people had never had enough?  There were probably many poor and needy that were looking to Jesus because He brought hope.  Then, to see Him take a few loaves of bread and fish.. and multiply it so that there were 12 baskets left over!  No wonder they wanted to make Him king...

But, that was not what He came to do.  He came to do the Father's will.  He came to be the Living Bread.  He came to be broken and poured out for them... and for us.

Jesus makes it clear that everyone who comes to Him and puts their trust in Him.. does so by the work of the Father.

"But, my Father is giving you the genuine bread from heaven; for God's bread is the one who comes down out of heaven and gives life to the world."  v32b

"Everyone the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will certainly not turn away." v37

" .. And this is the will of the One who sent me: that I should not lose any of all those he has given me but should raise them up on the Last Day." v39

"No one can come to me unless the Father - the One who sent me - draws him." v44

"Everyone who listens to the Father and learns from him comes to me." v45

The Father - gave the Bread of Life.
The Father - gives those who trust - to Jesus.
The Father - wills that Jesus lose none but raise them/ us up on the last day.
The Father - draws us to Jesus.
The Father - speaks and we listen and learn so that we can come to Jesus.
The Father - "has made it possible" for us to come to Jesus.. to take and eat the Bread of Life.. so that we might live in Him and He is us.

The question is this... will we trust Him?
Judas did not.
Peter did... "You have the word of eternal life. We have trusted, and we know that you are the Holy One of God!"  

Truly.. " Lord to who would we go?"  There is none other, but Jesus. 

Father in Heaven, again we thank You for the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ the Son.  Thank You for sending Him to be the living bread.  Thank you for drawing us to Him so that we might abide in Him and He in us. It is all Your work and your will.  We will trust and listen and learn.. so that we will not be lost but raised up on the last day.  In Christ we live and pray. Amen.

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