Thursday, February 13, 2020

John 2  Two events are recorded in this chapter - the turning of the water into wine and the cleansing of the temple in Jerusalem.

We are told that the first miracle of Jesus happened because of Mary's request.  Even though Jesus says that His time had not yet come and the problem was not their concern, He did what His mother requested.  The result was miraculous and we are told that His disciples began to "trust in him" as His glory was manifested.

Jesus went up to Jerusalem for the Passover.  The first thing He sees are the merchants on the Temple grounds.  "Zeal for your house will devour me."   is a quote from Psalm 69.   The rest of that verse says, " .. and on me are falling the insults of those insulting you."   For God's temple to be treated as a market with animals and money-changers, perhaps defrauding or cheating the people as well - is a great insult and reproach against God.

Going back to Leviticus, still fresh on my mind, I think of how such detailed instructions were given to preserve the holiness of the tabernacle.  None of those laws or procedures were being followed in the time of Jesus. No wonder Israel was in the state it was.. under Roman rule and no longer receiving God's blessings.

What can we learn from this?  The glory of Jesus has been manifested to us... perhaps not as it was to the disciples.. but through His Word. We can trust Him with every need.  We need to be better at asking... 

Also, Jesus still calls His people to holy living.  We don't have a tabernacle or temple, but we have His Word, His church, and His body.  We are commanded to be holy and that command still stands.  We find holiness in believing in and receiving the holiness of Christ our Lord.  May we pray and ask the Lord to help us, filling us continually with His Holy Spirit.

Father, we surrender our lives to You.  Come and lead us in righteous paths, moment by moment and day by day.  We ask You for daily bread and for daily forgiveness of our transgressions.  We pray for deliverance from temptations and from the evil one.  We seek to live in Your ways and pray for Your power to do so.  In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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