Friday, February 14, 2020

John 3  This conversation between Nicodemus and Jesus gives us so much.. truth.. encouragement.. hope.. love..   This teacher of Israel came at night to search out Jesus.. to find out the essential words for life.   Nicodemus recognized that Jesus came from God because of the miracles He did.  But, he needed new life.. to be born of the Spirit.. so that he could see the Kingdom of God.

Jesus answered Nicodemus's questions and teaches us all the plan of salvation.

We each need to be reborn.. a spiritual birth.
We each need to hear what Jesus says and accept His word as truth.
We need to know that Jesus is the only One who came FROM heaven to proclaim God's ways.
We need to know that Jesus came to be lifted up on a cross.. so that we could have life.
We need to know that God the Father sent His Son "so that everyone who trusts in him may have eternal life." 
We need to know that those who will not accept this, who won't look to Jesus for salvation, will perish.

Why won't people believe?  Why won't they trust Jesus?

Because He is light and they love darkness.
They don't want their sins exposed.
They won't accept the truth... about Jesus or about themselves.
May God have mercy and bring them to the truth.

Father in heaven, thank You for sending Your one and only Son. Thank You for bringing us to believe in Him and to accept all that He has said.  Help us to continue to trust Him and to live every moment in the Light.  May our every action be done in the light so that others may see You in us. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit we pray, in Jesus' name. Amen.

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