Monday, February 17, 2020

John 4:1-24

  I love how Jesus takes the time to have this conversation with the Samaritan woman.  He is tired from their journey and sat down by the well.  It is interesting that all the disciples went to get food. It took all 12 of them?  But, that was meant to be, wasn't it?

When Jesus asks for a drink of water, the woman is surprised.  She must have been surprised to find him sitting there in the first place. A stranger.  A Jew.  A man.  His request was simple and perhaps put her at ease enough to speak back. Then he offers her "living water".  Water that does not come from a well.  Water that doesn't have to be drawn again and again.  Water that is better than the water from Jacob's well. Water that brings "eternal life".

We want this water. Spiritual... supernatural water that wells up inside us so that we are never thirsty again.

The conversation turns to the issue of worship.  Jesus teaches that true worship is not about a place, but about a relationship.. " true worshippers will worship the Father spiritually and truly, for these are the kind of people the Father wants worshiping him.  God is spirit; and worshippers must worship him spiritually and truly." ( v23-24) 

True worship is not about legal perfection or performance. It is about real, soul-deep interaction with God. The word translated as truth means that which is not concealed or hidden. Reality. Truth.  Jesus.

The Bible Knowledge Commentary says this, " With the advent of the Messiah, the time had come for a new order of worship.  True worshipers are those who realize that Jesus is the Truth of God and the one and only Way to the Father. To worship in truth is to worship God through Jesus. To worship in Spirit is to worship in the new realm which God has revealed to people. The Father is seeking true worshipers because He wants people to live in reality, not in falsehood. Everybody is a worshiper, but because of sin many are blind and constantly put their trust in worthless objects. "

Father in heaven, we come to You in the name of Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  We hear His voice calling us to worship You in spirit and in truth.  We seek You and find You in Christ Jesus,the Son of God, the Messiah, the Savior who gives us living water... that wells up inside us into eternal life.  May we grasp these truths and bind them around us like a belt.. that we might stand firm and be strengthened in Your strength.  In Jesus' name. amen.

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