Thursday, February 6, 2020

Leviticus 19-20 Over and over again the message is clear - God is holy and He demands that His people be holy.  Every law and every regulation given to Israel was for the express purpose of teaching them what God considers holy and what He considers unclean or sinful.

Chapter 19 spells out these truths for God's people:

They are to respect and revere their parents.
They are to keep the Sabbath.
They are to offer the sacrifices "in a way that will make [them] accepted."
They are to leave some of the fruit or harvest for the poor.
They must not steal, defraud, oppress, or rob their neighbors.
They must practice justice without prejudice .
They are to love their neighbors as themselves.
They are to love foreigners who come to live with them, as themselves also.
They are to use honest business practices and measures.

Chapter 20 teaches the consequence for offering a child to Molekh, or for sexual immorality or for sorcery of any kind  - and it is death. The people of God were meant to be consecrated and set apart for the One who is their God - Adonai.

The person who did these sins would be sentenced to death.  It was the responsibility of the whole community to see that judgement would be carried out.   Adonai said, "... I have set you apart from the other peoples so that you can belong to me. " ( v26b)

This is God's desire for all of us - to belong to Him.  He has not changed the requirements - He still demands holiness for His people.  The regulations given here are still important, even though we know that keeping them is not what saves us, for we are saved by believing in and receiving  Jesus Christ as our Savior.  His blood washes us clean and His Spirit in us makes us holy.  We still have a responsibility to live pure lives, to love our neighbors as ourselves, and to walk in righteousness.

The old testament covenant was broken by the people of Israel , but we have a new covenant through Jesus Christ. "This is the covenant which I will make with them after those days, says Adonai: I will put my Torah on their hearts, and write it on their minds... and their sins and their wickednesses I will remember no more." ( Hebrews 10:15-17)

Father in heaven, we love You and honor Your holy name. We want to please You by walking in faith and in obedience.  We desire to honor You, our Holy God.  Thank You for the forgiveness of sin through Jesus Christ our Lord.  May all glory and honor and praise be given to You!  Help us in our weaknesses and doubts and fears.. to know Your strength and power and goodness.  Draw us deeper and deeper into Your grace and love we pray.. in Jesus' name. Amen.

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