Wednesday, February 26, 2020

John 10
John has written that Jesus is:

The Word
God's Lamb
The unique Son
The One sent by the Father to do what the Father says.
The Bread of Life.
The Living water
The Light of the world

And now, the gate for the sheep and the good Shepherd, who lays down His life for His sheep.

As the Gate - Jesus proclaims that He is the only legitimate way into the fold... into the Kingdom.
As the Shepherd - Jesus tells us that He calls His sheep by name; He leads them out; they follow Him;  they recognize His voice.  He knows His sheep and His sheep know Him.

Jesus lays down His life for His sheep.  He came "so that they may have life, life in its fullest measure."  The Father commanded Jesus to lay down His life and to take it up again.  Everything that the Father asks.. Jesus does.  Every deed "reflects my Father's power" Jesus tells the Jews.

Trust the deeds... even if you don't trust Jesus, He urges them.

But, they are not His sheep.  They don't listen to His voice.  They won't follow Him. All they want to do is get rid of Him and keep walking in their own ways.

Jesus gives His sheep eternal life.  "They will absolutely never be destroyed, and no one will snatch them from my hands. My Father, who gave them to me, is greater than all; and no one can snatch them from the Father's hands.  I and the Father are one." (v28-29)  What precious promises!

Father in heaven, thank You for sending Your One and only Son to be our Good Shepherd.  He has called us by name. He leads us. He knows us. By grace we have heard Him call and have followed Him. We do trust Him and remain in Him.  Thank You.  May we walk in the Light, drink the Living water, take of the Bread of life, and abide in Jesus every moment of every day.. as wait for that final day when we will be in Your Presence forever more.  Amen.

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