Tuesday, February 18, 2020

John 4: 25-42

Jesus reveals His true identity to the Samaritan woman.  He is the Messiah, the One who was anointed.  She immediately goes back to town and calls out to all who will listen.. " Come see.. "

The disciples return from town with food and urge Jesus to eat.  But, He is not hungry.  " I have food to eat that you don't know about... My food is to do what the one who sent me wants and to bring his work to completion."   

Matthew records the time that Jesus was in the wilderness for 40 days and was tempted by Satan to make stones into bread.. Jesus quoted Deuteronomy 8:3,  "Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of Adonai." ( Matt. 4:4)   The context of this verse  found in Deuteronomy is a reminder to Israel as they prepare to enter the promised land. They are commanded to remember that God provided everything for them during the 40 years in the wilderness - including manna - something that no one had ever seen, heard of, or tasted ever on the earth. Verse 3 says, "He humbled you, allowing you to become hungry, and then fed you manna... to make you understand that a person does not live on food alone but on everything that comes form the mouth of Adonai." 

Later on Jesus will take the 5 loaves and 2 fish and feed 5000 men.  He will also proclaim that He is the "Bread of Life".

In John, it appears that Jesus is not hungry for bread, but for the salvation of lost people.  He tells His disciples to look, for the fields are "already ripe for harvest".   The sower and the reaper will rejoice together... for there is a harvest coming.. The towns people arrive to hear Jesus for themselves. They also believe and trust in Him.. "We know indeed that this man really is the Savior of the world." 

Father in heaven, thank You for the Bread of Life, for Jesus Christ our Savior and King.  Thank You for the testimony of many who have come to proclaim to us the truth.. to tell us to " Come see!"  Jesus.   Thank You for the Word of God that teaches us the Truth and brings us into Your Kingdom forever and ever. "Give us our daily bread"  we pray.  We understand that everything comes from You and we live by Your will.  Bring to completion in each of us what You have purposed, we pray.  In Jesus' name. amen.

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